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r HE Transport [Appeal) Tribunal have given their first decision since the .ssing of the Transport Act, , 53, in a case that...
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T HE strike of fuel-tanker drivers in the London area has emphasized the complete dependence of the community on the...
Leyland's flOm. Tank Factory S ITUATED near Leyland, Lancashire, is a remark"'able new factory built and equipped solely for...
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pallet to palate." c That the sooner the M.o.T. gets on with the planned roads the sooner traffic will be able to get on on...
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P LANS of the British Transport Commission to exploit their new statutory powers and expand their markets for road and rail...
Do ROPOSALS . that hold out the pros' pects of Coras Tompair EireannIreland's State-owned transport undertaking—operating...
T HE British Electric Traction Cc Ltd., have acquired control of tl Greenslades Tours group, which con prises Greenslades...
increa in pay and for improved worki conditions for 90,000 employees municipal bus undertakings is to referred to the...
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■ 1 the event of the denationalization of road passenger transport, municipal terests should be safeguarded and the iportunity...
SUBMISSION that it. was, in ; principle, wrong for a licensing horny to impose co-ordination • of ices, was rejected by a...
that the C licence operators who, as reported in The Commercial Motor on October 16, are to appear before the Metropolitan...
T HE Minister of Transport is considering proposals for a comprehensive traffic census on trunk and classified roads, but has...
f t 'THERE is a danger that the through .I. road service to London may become a general alternative to the road-rail [service]...
" T HE committee of inquiry into London Transport have held five meetings since I appointed them on July 8, 1953, including two...
IVALRY between West Hartlepool 1‘ and Hartlepool is having an adverse effect oil 'West Hartlepool Corporation's receipts on the...
told last week that if the proposals on standing passengers -came into effect, the transport department would need eight more...
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WAIEN the appeal by Swansea CorVV poration and 10 other local authorities .against increased fares granted to the South Wales...
port Committee are considering proposals to reduce fares. One suggestion is that transfer tickets be introduced, and another...
MR. CECIL C. DACE has bet appointed managing director of II Ford Motor Co. of South Africa. MR. A. E. SMITH has been appoint:...
1 ture was installed in a Con sneer fork-lift truck used at Earls C for preparing the Motor Show, to time in giving...
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COTTISH hauliers could play a practical part in reviving the Highds by providing transport at low es after denationalization,...
AIMENTING on the strike of fueltanker drivers in the London area, ended on Tuesday, the oil comes said that no approach had...
WEST MIDLAND municipalities and W the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., are seriously short of platform staff,...
WHEN he conducted an inquiry into W official proposals for the construction of a new road between Twyning and Ross-on-Wye, Sir...
A PART froth trailers with agricultural applications, there will be nothing of road transport interest at the Smithfield Show...
O F 91,643 gallons of milk .consumed in Liverpool each day last year, 88,147 gallons were carried by road vehicles. The...
A T their meeting last week, the executive committee of Rhyl Chamber of Trade decided to write to the National Chamber of Trade...
Pupils' Association will be held at the Transportation Club, 44 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W.1, this evening. Lieut. Cdr. J. W....
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B US drivers in London generally give good hand signals and show consideration for pedestrians at zebra cross • ings, but...
T HE cost and availability of transport were the main difficulties facing the inhabitants of the Hebrides, said Sir Simon...
T O the average driver, the electrical side of his vehicle is a mystery. This need not be so, because The Motor Electrical...
The 1954 congress of the Traders' Traffic Conference will be held in Southampton from May 17-19. S. Morris and Co.,...
foil 1 1 '1 to improve working conditions a safety. A properly and systematica planned campaign to improve con tions must...
D ESIGNED to assist exporters ) wish to know what support t can obtain from the various branche the money market, "Finance...
metal pre-treatment and re: ditioning plant in the world will opened at Antwerp on Novembe. The owners,Ets. Beherman Derr S.A.,...
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IVER 1,200 people attended the Austin dinner last Monday. Mr. . W. Harriman, C.B.E., welcomed r. R. Hanks of the Nuffield...
THERE are more Guy buses in I Africa than of any other make, whilst in India Guy Motors, Ltd., have obtained more bus orders...
spreader, which not only opens out the cover, but which pushes the centre of the casing upwards in one operation, has been...
A HAULIER was fined a total or£3 at Shrewsbury last week for failing to keep a record of the animals he had carried, also for...
rt A 48-SEAT bus with a light-alloy body has been produced by Simpson and Co., Ltd., Madras, for Rs.11,000, or Rs.1,000 less...
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to 821 ft. 1 - 1 A MOBILE building . crane possessing the advantages of rail-mounted units but with many other additional...
THE owner and occupier of land at South Bank Farm, Hillmorton, sucCessfully appealed at Rugby last week against the imposition...
B IRMINGHAM proposes, in . tt Bill, to seek to obviate the necessity of obtaining confirmation from the Ministry of Transport...
P ROPOSALS to increase fares on routes have been submitted to t Licensing Authority by Wilts a Dorset Motor Services, Ltd. Ma...
r permit expansion of their fact, area, Walter Alexander and I (Coachbuilders), Ltd., Stirling. are c , templating moving to...
B ECAUSE they are expanding tt works and expect a substan increase in production next yc Atkinson lorries (1933), Ltd., Walt...
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T is understood that , Vernons Industries, Ltd., Bolton, near Birkenare developing an oil engine titable for use in local...
e rESTERDAY the Thesiger Committee met to review the revised aft of their report on the licensing of tblic service vehicles....
O N Wednesday, the Transport Arbitration Tribunal confirmed agreements for the payment by the British Transport Commission of...
Copley, has been taken over by Walker Bros. (Newburn), Ltd., Newburn. Four vehicles weighing altogether 111 tons are involved...
A PAIL, 1957, has been decided upon by the Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Joint Committee as the target date for the completion of a...
P ERSISTENT representations by the Automobile Association and the Royal Automobile Club have brought about action to prevent...
L EICESIER successfully applied to 1 --.1 the East Midland Licensing Authority on Tuesday for permission to reduce some of the...
A S from Sunday, changes will be made in the sales department of the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd. Mr. F. Layton will take...
IGHT of 20 A.E.C. Regent Mark Ill left-hand-drive 56-seaters with Park Royal bodies have been shipped to Baghdad. They are the...
A PROPOSAL by the Ministry of Transport to make a new regulation on the prohibition of smoking in public service vehicles has...
A NOTHER approach is to be made this autumn, by the passenger transport associations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for a...
T HE annual staff ball of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., will be held at Watford Town Hall on November 13. Tickets at I Is. each may...
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A MONG the new vehicles to be exhibited at the Scottish Show from November 13-21, will be the Leyland Comet 90 forward-control...
T HE selection of a private car entails as much examination of the relative merits of various models as purchasing a commercial...
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Much Depends on Personal Contact Between the Driver and Customer : Mechanization Invaluable in Handling L ACK of attention...
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F OR three days last week, four makes of heavy dumper in the 10-cu.-yd category were demonstrated over an arduous course at...
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ILANS for a new London coach station at King's Cross are now aring completion. It will be availle to operators from January 1...
a 2-ton and ig-wheelbase and short-wheelbase 5 models, have been added to the istin range. Although having the ne wheelbase as...
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T HE result of denationalization would probably be that many existing hauliers would expand, rather than that there would be a...
T HE effect of chromium-plated cylinder bores on the life of an engine is well portrayed in a book, "Testimony to Quality,"...
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L UXUR1OUS enclosed cabs, easier access to the driving position and a riding platform for the driver of a pedestrian-controlled...
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T WO new underfloor-engined passenger vehicles and an 8-ton goods chassis have been added to the A.E.C. range. Two new oil...
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be Compulsory? Asks Our Legal Adviser The Victim of an Accident Resultingfrom a 'Driver Dying at the Wheel has No Legal Remedy...
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Minister's Figures Disagree with Earlier Statement: Commission Give Maximum Holding as 13,910 tons AGREEAGREE MENT has been...
Statistics Concerning Factors Underlying the Causes of Accidents Presented by the R.R.L. P OST-WAR vehicles with improved...
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IGHT special Foden six-wheeled buses are being supplied to the Lourenco Marques Railways in Portuguese East Africa. The...
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H ERE 'at last is denationalization almost upon us. After the banners and the slogans, and the longdrawn-out battles in...
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F HE reply by Mr. Morton Mitchell to my criticism of the Road Haulage Association publishd on ktober 2, is what one would...
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Good Time-keeping, Maintenance of Vehicle Cleanliness and General Praiseworthy Service are Factors Which an Employer May...
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INTENDED particularly for buses and nther heavy vehicles, a design of hydraulic transmission is shown in patent No. 696,638, by...