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Mobile Crane Lifts
to 821 ft. 1 - 1 A MOBILE building . crane possessing the advantages of rail-mounted units but with many other additional beneficial features has been introduced by Steels......
Lorries May Be Kept On Farm
THE owner and occupier of land at South Bank Farm, Hillmorton, sucCessfully appealed at Rugby last week against the imposition of an enforcement notice that they should stop......
Short Cut To Higher Fares?
B IRMINGHAM proposes, in . tt Bill, to seek to obviate the necessity of obtaining confirmation from the Ministry of Transport of inereases in fares granted by the Licensing......
More Increases In Fares Proposed
P ROPOSALS to increase fares on routes have been submitted to t Licensing Authority by Wilts a Dorset Motor Services, Ltd. Ma R.A.F. camps in the area will be aft ted if the......
Alexander To Move?
r permit expansion of their fact, area, Walter Alexander and I (Coachbuilders), Ltd., Stirling. are c , templating moving to Falkirk. Th is insufficient room at Stirling. Stirl......
• Atkinson Expansion
B ECAUSE they are expanding tt works and expect a substan increase in production next yc Atkinson lorries (1933), Ltd., Walt le-Dale, near Preston, are consider extending their......