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B.t.c. All Out For Traffic: More Vigorous Advertising
P LANS of the British Transport Commission to exploit their new statutory powers and expand their markets for road and rail travel were mentioned by Sir Reginald Wilson, a......
No Loss For C.i.e.?
Do ROPOSALS . that hold out the pros' pects of Coras Tompair EireannIreland's State-owned transport undertaking—operating without a loss, are to be presented soon by Mr. Sean......
B.e.t. Buy West Country Group
T HE British Electric Traction Cc Ltd., have acquired control of tl Greenslades Tours group, which con prises Greenslades Tours, Ltd., H ar E. A. Belcher, Ltd., and Regent......
Busmen's Claims For Industrial Court T He Claim For A...
increa in pay and for improved worki conditions for 90,000 employees municipal bus undertakings is to referred to the Industrial Court. It was announced. last Friday a the......