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Oiew Oil Engine For Light Vans
T is understood that , Vernons Industries, Ltd., Bolton, near Birkenare developing an oil engine titable for use in local delivery vans id that a vehicle manufacturer is......
Thesiger Committee's Last Meeting?
e rESTERDAY the Thesiger Committee met to review the revised aft of their report on the licensing of tblic service vehicles. The meeting ay continue today. If the committee have......
Compensation Agreements
O N Wednesday, the Transport Arbitration Tribunal confirmed agreements for the payment by the British Transport Commission of £124,133 compensation to Transport Economy, Ltd.,......
Haulage Amalgamation The Haulage Business Of E. Dawson...
Copley, has been taken over by Walker Bros. (Newburn), Ltd., Newburn. Four vehicles weighing altogether 111 tons are involved in the transfer.......
Target Date For Bridge
A PAIL, 1957, has been decided upon by the Runcorn-Widnes Bridge Joint Committee as the target date for the completion of a £1.3m. bridge to link the two towns.......
End Of Floods
P ERSISTENT representations by the Automobile Association and the Royal Automobile Club have brought about action to prevent further flooding of the main Cardiff-Newport road at......
Some Leicester Fares Reduced
L EICESIER successfully applied to 1 --.1 the East Midland Licensing Authority on Tuesday for permission to reduce some of the principal tius fares (as foreshadowed in the issue......
Northern Aluminium Sales Changes
A S from Sunday, changes will be made in the sales department of the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd. Mr. F. Layton will take charge of the sales administration department at......
Double-deckers For Iraq
IGHT of 20 A.E.C. Regent Mark Ill left-hand-drive 56-seaters with Park Royal bodies have been shipped to Baghdad. They are the first doubledeckers to be used in Iraq. The......
Ministry Proposal Rejected
A PROPOSAL by the Ministry of Transport to make a new regulation on the prohibition of smoking in public service vehicles has been rejected by operators, who believe that the......
Try, Try Again
A NOTHER approach is to be made this autumn, by the passenger transport associations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for a reduction in taxation.......
A Night Out
T HE annual staff ball of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., will be held at Watford Town Hall on November 13. Tickets at I Is. each may be obtained from Mr. L. N. Wood, Scammell Lorries,......