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T HE uneasy truce over the Arnold and Merchandise Transport appeals is over. There has been time for the Arnold appeal written...
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amilton Galley AT THE risk of ponderousness and pomposity-qualities, I hasten to add, not to be found at all in Tony Gailey—I...
R OAD haulage is not the only industry with problems of subnormal tenders. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Nottingham and...
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J. C. WAKE, general manager and IVI engineer of St. Helens Corporation Transport, has been appointed general manager of...
T HE extreme fluctuation in the motor industry's scale of operations last year is illustrated by Vauxhall Motors' annual report...
which may well become the I - 1 pattern for the whole motor industry, was made by leaders of 22 unions with members at Ford's...
A WARNING that efforts are being made to force goods off the road on to rail is given in the annual report of the Traders' Road...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent M R. ERNEST MARPLES, the Minister of Transport, told the Commons last week that he had now...
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A N agreement recently negotiated with the oil companies includes an increase in special payment for shift work from 4d. to...
-THE loss of 51 trams in the recent fire 1 at the Dalmarnock depot, Glasgow, will not speed-up the change-over to buses, said...
ri E Accident Offices Association announce that from June 1 their members will increase the standard rates of premium on...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'R quick moves, one by the employers and another by the unions, raised opes a little last...
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MR. C. C. OAKHAM, general manager of Lancashire United Transport, Ltd.. has been elected a director of the company. His title...
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A WARNING that any more pay rises might mean a reduction in jobs and services, was given this week by Mr. W. M. Dravers,...
DRISTOL OMNIBUS CO., LTD., may find it necessary to surrender the road service licences on some of its country services unless...
A N order for 48 chassis placed this week by the London Brick Co., Ltd., calls for 36 Mammoth Major 8-wheelers, two Mammoth...
O WING to the expiry of the lease of their Manchester branch, Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., announce hat sales of...
C OMMENTING this week on the new Road Traffic Bill, the British Omnibus Companies' Public Relations Committee expressed great...
A TENTATIVE date of July 8 has been fixed for the Portsmouth eliminating contest for the Lorry Driver of the Year competition....
H OW will drivers of long-distance vehicles fare at the wheel during the night of Sunday, April 23, when a census of population...
THE manufacturers of - the cleaning products, Cleanslip and Decosol, have joined forces in a new marketing arrangement. The...
T HE problem of the minibus " pirate " was referred to by Mr. R. J. Ellery, chairman of the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., at...
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A N application by Bourton Transport, r -1 . Ltd., of Bourton on the -Water, Gloucester, to add three tippers (14 tons 5 cwt.)...
HE first express coach service I authorized to operate into London Airport starts in June. The service will be operated by the...
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C FIANGES in tanker chassis design during recent years had made it impossible to continue maintenance by interchange of tanks,...
THE lack of a spare vehicle during 1960, to replace vehicles off the road for repair or maintenance, resulted in an average...
A BOUT 50 outstanding scholars from all areas of the free world are to go to the United States this year under the Ford...
p ERMTSSION to transfer seven contract at Manchester last week to Smithfield applicants, pointed out that at present the Ltd.,...
A NEW milk-float is being produced bs R. W. Osborne and Son, Ltd., Saffron Walden, Essex. It is based on the latest B.M.C....
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IVIPLOYEES at the new Kmizle factory in Garretts Green, Birmingham, told the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, sitting in...
r rO the strains of Auld Lang Sync the last trolleybuses run by any English private company passed into history on Monday as...
L' OR the third month running, the exports of new commercial vehicles for January this year reached the highest 4 figure ever...
A SANDIACRE, Derbys, haulage (- L company admitted at Ilkeston Magistrates' Court on Monday 30 summonses for failing to comply...
A N order worth over' £250,000 for 100 Leyland Comet ECP02.1R bus chassis has been placed with Ashok Leyland, Ltd., of Madras,...
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A DERBYSHIRE haulier won his appeal with costs, at the Court of Appeal last week, against the judgment of Mr. Justice Stable at...
A LTHOUGH thick, black smoke from PA, a British Road Services diesel lorry was considered by two Sheffield policemen to make it...
"Motorcycle Engineering," by P. E. Irving, M,I.Mech.E., M.S.A.E., is to be published by Temple Press Limited, on April 12,...
S CIENT1STS of the International Nickel Co., Inc., Bayonne, N.J., U.S.A. have developed a new 18-per-cent. nickel-alloy steel...
U NABLE to find what he wanted in Europe, a Thailand distributor of commercial vehicles, Mr. T. Suthian, managing director of...
A N all-day sale of commercial vehicles--first of its kind to be held in the Midlands—is to be organized by Southern Counties...
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A WARNING was issued by the North Western Licensing Authority, Mr. F. Williamson. to Mr. H. P. Merrick, Holmwood, Ash Grove,...
QPECIAL codes used by food manu facturers on their packs required experienced regular drivers, familiar with these markings:...
W E can never be sure of the result of any legal action, . nor even perhaps the method of reaching the result, but if the time...
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From Our Political Correspondent T HE Government's determination to take a much tougher line with all who are persistently...
Clause 14 of the Road Traffic Bill would give power to the Minister to make regulations permitting certain classes of vehicle...
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New Techniqut the Moulding of Bodies Are Well Advanced by London Concern R APID progress has been made in recent years in the...
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The .following is an open letter from the writer to his Member of Parliament :— 1 NOTE with interest how the number of...
First Application in Scotland R EORGANIZATION of transport by Charles W. Ireland, Ltd., engineers tnd metal merchants, of...
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Insurance Authority W. S. Macfarlane Examines the Scheme From a Haulier's Viewpoint T HE new Graduated Pension Scheme...
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Portable Bandsaw A PORTABLE metal-cutting handsaw, E -- 1 named the "Baby." has been introduced into Great Britain by Soag...
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NEW 5,500 sq. ft. distribution shed and office block has recently been ompleted for Norman's Transport, Ltd., those...
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w West German Vehicle gulations Concerning Nonrrnan Goods and Passenger flicks take Effect on April 1. 's Article Reviews Past...
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T O raise an extra 900m. dollars a year for the carrying through of a largescale motorway-building plan, due to be completed in...
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A LTHOUGH a good deal has been written on the subject of delays encountered by commercial goods vehicles, it is by no means...
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S O MUCH fury was engendered by the news that Dr. Richard Beech ing is to receive £24,000 a year as chairman-designate of the...
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Replies to Readers' Queries Include a Restatement of Statutory Requirements Concerning Hours of Work, Light Trailer Operation...
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A SPECIAL drop-frame trailer for payloads of up to 35 tons has recently been completed by Carrimore Six-Wheelers, Ltd., North...
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A N improved layout of master and 1.-1 servo cylinders for air-pressureassisted hydraulic brakes form the subject of patent No....