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More Wage Increases
A N agreement recently negotiated with the oil companies includes an increase in special payment for shift work from 4d. to Sc!. per hour. The weekly allowance for airfield......
No Speed-up
-THE loss of 51 trams in the recent fire 1 at the Dalmarnock depot, Glasgow, will not speed-up the change-over to buses, said Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, general manager of the......
Insurance Rates Up
ri E Accident Offices Association announce that from June 1 their members will increase the standard rates of premium on vehicles used by the motor trade by approximately 171......
Quick Moves In Bus Pay Dispute
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'R quick moves, one by the employers and another by the unions, raised opes a little last week that a strike of provincial busmen might be......