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Haulier Wins Appeal
A DERBYSHIRE haulier won his appeal with costs, at the Court of Appeal last week, against the judgment of Mr. Justice Stable at Nottingham Assizes on February 29, 1960, when his......
Smoke Screen
A LTHOUGH thick, black smoke from PA, a British Road Services diesel lorry was considered by two Sheffield policemen to make it dangerous for other vehicles to overtake, they......
Motorcycle Engineering A New Textbook For Motorcyclists,
"Motorcycle Engineering," by P. E. Irving, M,I.Mech.E., M.S.A.E., is to be published by Temple Press Limited, on April 12, price 25s. net. Every component part of a motorcycle......
New High-strength Nickel-alloy Steel
S CIENT1STS of the International Nickel Co., Inc., Bayonne, N.J., U.S.A. have developed a new 18-per-cent. nickel-alloy steel which is claimed to have unmatched toughness" at......
Thailand Corn Es To Britain
U NABLE to find what he wanted in Europe, a Thailand distributor of commercial vehicles, Mr. T. Suthian, managing director of Thai Pradith Co.. Ltd., of Bangkok, came to Britain......
What Offers?
A N all-day sale of commercial vehicles--first of its kind to be held in the Midlands—is to be organized by Southern Counties Car Auctions, I td. It will take place at the Auto......