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J. C. Wake Gets Bradford Post
J. C. WAKE, general manager and IVI engineer of St. Helens Corporation Transport, has been appointed general manager of Bradford City Transport, in succession to Mr. C. T.......
Vauxhall Increase Turnover
T HE extreme fluctuation in the motor industry's scale of operations last year is illustrated by Vauxhall Motors' annual report and accounts for 1960, published this week.......
Guaranteed Pay Agreement Sought From Our Industrial...
which may well become the I - 1 pattern for the whole motor industry, was made by leaders of 22 unions with members at Ford's last week. They decided to approach the Ford......
Watch This Road-to-rail Move, Warns T.r.t.a.
A WARNING that efforts are being made to force goods off the road on to rail is given in the annual report of the Traders' Road Transport Association. The Government had......
Iii.p.s Attack Toll System
From our Parliamentary Correspondent M R. ERNEST MARPLES, the Minister of Transport, told the Commons last week that he had now received the report of the group which had been......