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Training — a word used in hushed whispers, incredulous tones or with blasphemous adjectives ten years ago — has grown to...
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in tam n from December ough "the Irish back door". is claim was made last week the BBC1 programme lino's possible penetration s...
BRITAIN is definitely not going to accept 40 or 44 tonne vehicles in the foreseeable future — and that means for at least five...
SAUDI ARABIA is imposing new restrictions on vehicles entering the country from June 1. If the new rules are broken drivers...
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THE ROAD Haulage Association has said it believes the haulage industry will start to suffer bankruptcies and unemployment...
THERE was a marginal decrease in new 0 licence applications in the United Kingdom last year, but in Scotland the drop was a...
appearances for 16 foreign drivers last week and all found guilty of offences including over-loading and excee drivers' hours...
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OVER docks is now handling traffic creasing at around 25 per cent a year, C'ONFIRMATION from Transport Minster William Rodgers...
DOING without Hansard for three or four days is a hardship most MPs can live with. After all, they can always supply their...
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)RDING to a recent mic survey, this year will owth in transport terms, )nly because of the mic stagnation of 1977. is likely...
THE GOVERNMENT is prepared to consider whether any changes should be made in those parts of the Transport Bill which increase...
IRISH hauliers should not expect continued issue of licences from the Scottish Licensing Authority if they did not comply with...
TTANY Ferries is dou; its freight capacity on Portsmouth/St Malo and nouth/Roscoff routes. ext month a new ship, the 0 ton...
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GOODS vehicle testers in Salisbury are staging a series of one hour token stoppages in support of an 18 per cent pay claim...
PROTESTS at licensing orities who demand t( audited accounts from cants requiring a restr operator's licence to r lorry were...
DOVER Harbour Board is advocating more use of inland clearance depots, "but to maximise use they will require to be open 24...
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eked London Transport th he has accused of being strated and inadequate" he claims has wrongly ied taxis for causing deto...
CHANGES in the marketing network of Telma Retarders to cope with new developments, likely new legislation, and a push in the...
UNDER a £10 million wage deal between London Transport and the Transport and General Workers Union, LT bus conductors wages...
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A NEW range of light vehic/es has been announced by IVECO. To be marketed in Europe under the Fiat and OM marque names, the...
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WRING 1976/77 there was significant increase in adult raft training and for the econd year running in the lumber of apprentices...
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MANAGEMENT development is the means by which we "attempt to improve managerial effectiveness through a planned and deliberate...
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by Noel Milner. Pk s by Mike Loveridgel THERE is more to being a touring coach driver than driving a coach — or rather there...
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for road transport IE ROAD Transport Industry Training Board exists for one non only — to promote a higher standard of...
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Wembley H DLIN NUNN was in charge an Army workshop in ngapore with a staff of )0 when he was 20. ppropriate, that, for now, )...
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TRANSPORT Driver Training (Esher) Ltd began as a group of operators who needed to train drivers for their own operations. Now...
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.WELLINGTON boots and the RAF bomber were named after the Duke of Wellington, and that makes him an eponym; bunsen, and diesel...
PART OF the purpose of CM's International Conference at Calais and Dover recently was show operators and their customers what...
Have you read that the Price Commission has approved a price increase? Of course you hay but the report was wrong. The Price...
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THE COURSE offered at the FTA training centre was objective, down to earth and intensive" was the verdict of transport men who...