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slope While welcoming the end of the long-drawn-out strike of busmen in Liverpool, we feel that the principal means to that...
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No one to protest to at Albert Hall By Bob Holliday • Failure by the Government to supply a whipping boy rather lowered the...
Glasgow counts PIB cost from our industrial correspondent • More than 800 Liverpool buses were back on the roads on Monday as...
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• Iran has become a signatory to the TIR convention for international road freight.
• Leaders of 35,000 London Transport busmen, including Green Line crews, were meeting this week to consider a call for...
• The first production goods chassis in Britain to carry Stopmaster brake units is an ERF 64 (P) chassis with Ritemixer 5 cu....
The new rates will take effect on June 3 and follow an earlier 25 per cent cut announced by the company in January. Examples...
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by John Darker • The International Container Symposium in London this week was attended by more than 700 delegates from 30...
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• CGL Transport is the new designation or the road haulage and warehousing iivision of Charrington, Gardner, Locket ind Co....
• Following the increase in permitted lengths of articulated vehicles and drawbar trailers which took effect in April,...
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by our political correspondent II The Prices and Incomes Board recommended yesterday (Thursday), that British Railways...
• A comparison between drivers' hours regulations in this country and those proposed by the European Economic Community has...
by Ashley Taylor • Driving an AEC, A. Green of Rookes Transport Ltd., Tadcaster, won Class H at the York LDOY round on Sunday,...
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Will etts by Paul Brockington • Winner of Class E (1) and of the local championship last year, together with the award for the...
by lain Sherriff • While the oil companies were drilling for gas off the Scottish North-East coast, their drivers struck oil...
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• Vehicles belonging to two women operators were suspended by Mr. J. Else, West Midland LA, at a Birmingham section 178 inquiry...
• An attempt to bring nine B-licensed vehicles and two A-licensed vehicles onto one A licence failed when the Metropolitan...
• A Preston haulier's trailer fleet was described by the North Western LA, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, as "very bad indeed" in...
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y Frank Burravoe The Transport Tribunal in March iagnosed the trouble in, and published rescriptions for, no less than nine...
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• In Birmingham last week the West Midland LA, Mr. J. Else, expressed the hope that firms engaged in waste disposal would be...
• Even though an applicant had advertised for household removal work which was outside his B licence conditions, he was only...
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PTA conference discussion reported by Sam Buckley I An enormous tourist market is waiting to ouy British services, of which...
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AND THESE ARE MoT's ANSWERS. . . from our political correspondent (2) • Seven criticisms of the proposed PTA system have been...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent * It's all over—the Commons can, for the time being at least, forget all about the....
• Gross trading profits of Pointer Group Holdings Ltd. for the year ended December 31 1967 rose to a new record of £781,048...
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John W. Watts has resigned from the office of chairman of United Transport Co. Ltd., but remains a director and has been...
• Britain's—and perhaps Europe's—fin eight-lane road got the go-ahead from th Transport Minister last week when he fixe the...
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• From tomorrow, June 1, a newcomer to the p.s.v. equipment world will be offering a threeunit passenger counting system for...
• An accuracy of better than + 0.7 per cent is claimed for a portable weighbridge jointly produced by Richard Costain Ltd.,...
by Tony Wilding • The first Bristol LH chassis to be fitted with a luxury coach body was delivered last week to Golden Miller...
• Claimed to be the first of its kind in Europe, a computer-controlled "telecontrol" factory has been built by CAV Ltd. in...
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show at Barcelona by Robert Richards • Spain is making strides and building up a considerable export market in commercial...
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Bucket pumps The latest addition to the Nubrex range of bucket pumps, the Nubrex Model 84, is handoperated and holds 24Ih of...
To me, and I suspect to most people in transport, one pair of pliers or pincers is much the same as any other. But that was...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (18) • While there is always an element of - suck it and see" when a...
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Zambian transport reorganizations have put United Transport Overseas in a rather unaccustomed limelight, I see. The fact that...
Just before I leave the topic of UTO let me throw in one more mouthwatering example-this time from Australia. Express Freight...
They have neat ways of saying "No" in Parliament, don't they? For instance:— Mr. Arthur Lewis asked the Minister of Transport...
Talking of Ireland, a colleague has just been over to Craigavon, 25 miles south west of Belfast, where the first major...
I see that the load-sensing brake valve produced by Clayton Dewandre has just won the company an award—the third which has been...
,Friends at Leyland tell me that the latest appointment of Sir Donald Stokes has been warmly received there as a recognition of...
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by A. J. P. Wilding MIMechE, MIRTE LAST WEEK saw the official release of one of the most open secrets in the commercial...
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Jaw-jaw better than war-war LL the arguments about quantity censing tend to come back to the dictum in he White Paper on the...
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THE International Container Services and Equipment Exhibition at Olympia, London, closing today (Friday), is probably the most...
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INSURANCE has always been an important factor in commercial vehicle operation. But partly because of its seeming complexities...
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of friction of a road surface in a fairly simple way? I am having an access road to my depot resurfaced; this includes a...
with interest the forecasts of leading engineers that hydrostatic transmission will eventually be applied to heavy commercial...
payload of 71-8 tons. When we purchased it new we had the chassis extended to carry 14 tons gross, as the law permitted, with...
the LipeRailway Corporation of New York Is the clutch available in this country? A Eaton Yale and Towne (UK) Ltd., Trans...
the movement of dangerous goods by raiL If this is so where can details be obtained? We assume you are referring to a recent...
an education committee for carrying school children. We understand that with this 12-seater we may carry 18 children under the...
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THE year 1967 was rather disappointing for the National Committee on Road Transport Education, the body which organizes the...
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ALL vehicles, except works trucks and pedestrian-controlled vehicles are required to be fitted with an instrument capable of...