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Earlier this year a prominent, and very successful, haulier declared that lack of cash-flow planning — having the ready money...
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by CM reporter • Three committees of the Road Haulage Association — the labour relations, commercial and special ad hoc EEC...
• Local authorities have been asked to review and report on their plans for dealing with lorries by October 1, Mr Peyton told...
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• A Sittingbourne, Kent company, of commercial vehicle suppliers was ordered by a High Court judge on Monday to pay a haulier...
by CM reporter • A real danger of fragmentation is this week facing the Teesside municipal undertaking. The undertaking's...
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• Between 25 and 30 hauliers in the Midlands have agreed to the TGWU "blue flash schedule" (CM July 13) which will increase...
• Mr John Golding, Labour MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, who has been looking at motorway service stations, thinks lorry drivers...
• The Employment and Training Bill, which provides for a careers service run by local authorities and the creation of an...
• The proposals from the Road Transport Industry Training Board for a levy on employers within the scope of the Board have been...
with CM Commercial Motor will shortly have a vacancy for the interesting and challenging job of Technical Editor. We are...
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• Thomas Nationwide Transport, the £77m Australian-based group, plans to take a sizeable share of the European freight market....
• The first major step since the Anglo-Dutch board of Unilever intimated its intention to exploit the European transport market...
• As from Wednesday, Pickfords International in Germany and France will be co-ordinated from Offenbach. The company has...
• Mr Herbert Dearden, 64, for the past 18 years ' publicity manager of Seddon Diesels Ltd, died on Wednesday after a long...
• DoE officials are joining with Bristol City Police during the coming weeks to purge law-breaking operators. It is understood...
• Full traffic advantage will not be gained from the £9m Erskine Bridge, spanning the Lower Clyde, until the car and lorry toll...
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• The last eliminating event in the 1973 Lorry Driver of the Year competition was held at York on Sunday and now almost 300...
• The latest addition to the fleet of recovery vehicles operated by Webb Bros (Upshire) is a Volvo-based unit designed and...
• Hauliers are being asked to take special measures to protect their vehicles against theft during the week commencing...
• Weight restrictions of 20 tons on the Bidston Moss Viaduct section of M53 leading to the Kingsway Mersey Tunnel, will be...
• Nearly 140 people were killed in fires in commercial vehicles in the United States in 1971. This was revealed in the annual...
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• Doubt has been cast on the viability of the Channel Tunnel in a report issued this week by the Department of Transport...
Henry Smithers and Son Ltd, part of the P and 0 Group, has taken delivery of its 100th ERF. The fleet comprises all ERFs and...
• MAT T.ransport has established a comprehensive repair /maintenance and recovery service following the company's move to new...
• Southern Ferries is starting a new vehicle ferry service between Southampton and San Sebastian in Northern Spain this...
O Details of the new training programme for removal operatives and managers have been announced by the British Association of...
• Associated Deliveries Ltd of Reading who operate 200 vehicles and 14 warehouses report a profit of more than £85,000. Mr J....
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• Night parking in the street for heavy lorries will soon be banned in the London Borough of Waltham Forest whose scheme has...
• The ABC Freight Guide which is published twice annually by IPC Business Press Ltd is now available from ABC Travel Guides...
• National Carriers Ltd has secured distribution of motor spares and accessories for two leading car importers, Volkswagen (GB)...
• At its Sunbury end M3 motorway will be tapered from three lanes to two in order to check the flow of traffic over the Greater...
• A suggested limitation on the number of heavy vehicles using A2 from Dover to Brenley Corner has been turned down in the...
• The Motor Vehicle (Type Approval) Regulations 1973 which establish a system for granting vehicle type approval to standards...
Plenty of operators have been on the receiving end of Alan Law's activities as a trade union officer; few have seen or heard...
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• In Commercial Motor for June •29, as a result of information we had no reason to doubt, our report of an inquiry at Leeds...
Ian Armstrong, area transport superintendent with the Scottish Gas Board at Dundee, is taking up an appointment as manager of...
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• Two PTE members of the Association of Public Passenger Transport Operators are. considering their future relations with the...
• Calls to make US school buses safer have come from two independent bodies recently. A task force of the Department of...
• Britain's first bus route to be operated entirely by low-noise buses goes into operation on August 13. On that date London...
• Two more bus lanes have been approved by the Greater London Council. Both lanes, one in Lavender Hill and one in Streatham...
• Objections are to be lodged by Hartlepool Corporation to three applications by National Bus Company subsidiaries — United...
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for Tyneside PTE • An operating revenue surplus of £305,466 was made in the year ended December 31 1972 by Tyneside PTE, its...
• Barton Transport Ltd of Nottingham has begun a major renewal programme of its 300 bus and coach fleet. It has placed what is...
• Operators of school buses in Caithness are being asked by the county council to display prominent "school bus" notices on...
• Some routes in the Wolverhampton area, which require about 20 buses to operate, are likely to be handed over by the West...
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• The Secretary of State for the Environment, Mr Geoffrey Rippon, has stated in a written decision of an appeal against an...
• A recent offer by SELNEC PTE to make available its computer system on inspectorate documentation to any passenger transport...
• Complaints about the conditions of bus services in the South Shields area of the Tyneside PIE have been made by the employees...
• Hooliganism on the late night buses running between Rotherham and some South Yorkshire villages has led Rotherham bus crews...
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by Gibb Grace • As announced in CM last week, Fiat is in the process of setting up a truck sales division in Britain and will...
• The York Trailer Co Ltd has extended its Lo-deck range of semi-trailer flat platforms and introduced an L040 and LD40 TT. The...
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• The trailer hire company. Articulated Trailer Hire Ltd. is solving a serious shortage of large semi-trailer vans by having...
• The Standing Advisory Committee on Dangerous Substances is to consider if it should be compulsory for all tank units on...
• The address of Premier Motor Body Building Co Ltd is 192 Shoreham Street, Sheffield, and not as stated in our issue of July 13.
• New standards establishing minimun requirements in the use and design o vehicle lifts have been issued by the Britisl...
• Collen (Transport Designs) Ltd currently building a prototype of a new TIR body, which the managing director. Mr L. Collen,...
• A study of the heavy and medium heavy truck fleet operator market in Europe is being planned by Charles Zub Associates Ltd....
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The recent announcement by Hiltons Transport Services that they have agreed to employ dock labour has caused much anxiety in...
Having read with interest recent articles and comments on the subject of hgv driver shortage and young driver training, may I...
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I HAVE recently sat in as an observer during an "in-company" training course in industrial relations arranged by Texaco Ltd....
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Time grows shorter WORKPEOPLE and their representatives are continually pressing for a shorter working day and a shorter...
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• Crock of gold Once upon a time a giant State-owned industry passed a sizeable contract to a public works contractor. During...
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Magirus 6x6 dumper by Gibb Grace THE Magirus Deutz 232D 26AK dumper which_ was announced earlier this year — CM June 22 —...
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by Johnny Johnson Although forecasting business trends can be rewarding, a customer who takes extended credit can play havoc...
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Paul Brown • When the big Australian freight group. Thomas Nationwide Transport, decided to set up its Kwikasair subsidiary in...
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UNRELIABLE electrical equipment is a major problem for heavy-vehicle operators and since reliability is being sold as the main...
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RETREAD MANUFACTURERS Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company have relinquished their appointment as secretaries of the Retread...
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matters by John Darker AM B M Traffic planners in a tizzy! A SEMINAR on transportation planning practice was arranged at...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE Trailers (2) THE permitted dimensions of trailers were dealt with last week and now...
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the spectfication of the trailer being a 40ft-long drop-frame with tandem-axle running gear on 8.25 x 15 I8-ply tyres. We have...
A You should realize that the regulations concerning psv driving licences are not governed by vehicle size. The criterion is...
July 13, concerning the mounting costs of transport and would congratulate you for a worthwhile contribution to economic...
for transvort ing sacks of fertilizer to farmers in my area on behalf of a local seed merchant. Till now I have used the...
it was stated that the driver of an artic tractor unit over 3 tons unladen needed a Class 1 licence if the tractor was not...
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Castor-mounted scissors lift esigned to assist movement of allets either from floor-toehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle, or...
The second edition of the Dexion storage and Materials Handling Catalogue has just been published. The , 200-page book is...
From Dexion comes a long span shelving system consisting of a range of steel beams and panels used in conjunction with the...
A magnetized tool for retrieving small steel parts, tools, bolts, etc, otherwise unreachable by hand is marketed by Paten...
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The Lightning Junior and De Luxe cold-water washers from Contractors Pumps will operate at 500 psi at a flow rate of 2gal per...
Boscombe Engineering is marketing heaters — the Tropical-Eberspacher range — which worked independently of the vehicle engine...
A disposable padlock developed by Aardee cannot be unlocked by conventional means or picked. Thus, its makers claim, it...
Clang has published a free illustrated brochure covering its heavy-duty trailer plugs and sockets for tractive unit and trailer...
Manufactured from synthesized hydro-carbon fluids. SHC engine oil from Mobil is designed to give optimum performance...
Air-operated needle guns suital for descaling vehicle chassis, I moving load residue such cement and chemicals, ha been...
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ugh tension ignition leads fitted vith damp-proof connectors to ivercome the problem of tracking :aused by rain and spray have...
Stainless steel worm-dive hose clips are now produced by Circlex Ltd. Comparable, says the company, to most standard plated...
by Trevor Long croft While manufacturers offer a wide choice of garage equipment, quite often a mechanic using materials and...
Apart from normal deck loading of palletized cargoes, the Rolamat track system from Pelco Engineering can be used for twotier...
Churchill has published a catalogue of special service tools which have been approved for use on Borg Warner automatic...
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A stepframe mini drawbar trailer is being produced by York. The trailer has no suspension and requires little maintenance. The...
Hatcher now produces a vehicle display /marker system. The sign message is printed on selfadhesive vinyl material in a variety...
Scoop control fluid couplings, type SCR, are featured in a four-page colour brochure available from Fluidrive Engineering....
Apart from energising rear stoplights on air-operated spring brake circuits, the low-pressure warning valve from lntertruck...
Improved engine efficiency is obtained says Walker (Century Oils), by using Royal Snowdrift Universal Antifreeze and Allseasons...
Portable carbon monoxid monitors are now marketed b Analysis Automation. There are six models, eac having a different range of...
A range of outdoor work suits, made of water vapour permeable fabric which lets the wearer pespire without discomfort, has been...