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With co-operation, wise planning and reliable, efficient transport, BRITISH ROAD SERVICES help you to keep down costs. T...
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O NE of the tasks that hauliers must undertake in the New Year is to try to equate rates and costs. That is easier to say than...
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Encouraging Trade With Canada A T the final meeting of the Canadian Trade Mission, the President of the Board of Trade, Sir...
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The query: "Why not a Universal Transport Association? " That such an association might see that transport, particularly by...
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I N recognition of his philanthropic services, Viscount Nuffield is made a Companion of Honour in the New Year Honours. Mr. N....
A SUBSIDIZED coach service linking the West Riding with Ringway Airport, Manchester, has been approved by the Minister of...
A FTER negotiations lasting over two ti years, Lowland Motor.ways, Ltd., Glasgow, will be transferred on January 13 to Scottish...
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THE 57-minute bus journey between Nottingham and Derby—a distance of 15 miles—is commonly known among passengers as "the slow...
R EDUCTIONS of Id. in many fares between 2id. and 4d, have been announced by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd....
" IN my view the application is properly worded, as general goods includes furniture," said the Western Licensing Authority on...
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WITH 61 per cent. of their services Vif operated below cost and with expenses rising, the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd.. would...
MR. F. GARNER has been appointed deputy managing director of Joseph Lucas (Industries), Ltd. MR. B. H. LIGGINS has become home...
p ASSENGER resistance to the last two increases in fares by East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., -had been "very marked," Mr. R....
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Wa new tractor unit: greater power from the 300-cu.-in, petrol engine; and DER use of the Bedford 300-cu.-in, oil engine, with...
COME of the worst traffic conditions in L) the country arc covered by Maidstone and District Motor Services. Ltd., whose buses...
A . N attack on he problems of poor documentation, excessive claims for loss or damage of goods, and accidents, was started by...
T O help in the exploration for oil in the marshes north of Basra, h - ak, Albion Motors, Ltd., have prepared for the Basra...
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A FTER paying £500,000 to build a new bridge across the River Trent linking Nottingham with Clifton housing estate, Nottingham...
A REPLY to the London busmen's second application for a 25s. a week pay increase will be given next Wednesday by the London...
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A LICENCE for out-of-season inclusive tours to the Isle of Wight, catering for elderly people, was granted to Heaps Tours,...
U.S. in Malaya: An American company is likely to set up a tyre factory in Malaya. Trams to Go: Sheffield wilt abandon another...
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A THORNYCROFT Nubian 6 x 6 PI multi-purpose air-crash tender has been supplied to Basra Airport to the order of the Crown...
D ETAILS of the combustion system employed by F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, in their new Four 99 1.6-litre oil engine, have...
A CASE for additional vehicles could rAriot be made out by a haulier on the grounds of traffic which he might get in the...
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A FTER a drop in exports in September, overseas' sales of commercial vehicles in October recuperated and the level of trade was...
Tigers Carry On in New Form US operators in India will be in little 1--) dan g er of nationalization, provided they raise their...
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A N armoured-car transport service is being operated—it is believed for the first time—in this country, collecting wages from...
U NSUCCESSFUL in his request for two B-licence vehicles, Mr. G. Walker, Hull, told the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, last...
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Competition from Private Transport, By T. G. Davies, Modernized Railways and Television M.B.E., Sets Serious Problems for Bus...
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) Foster Expansion T HERE can be little doubt that 1958 is going to be eventful for British commercial-vehicle manufacturers....
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Hauliers By R. Morton Mitchell, D.P.A., S.S.C., Chief Executive Officer and Secretary, Road Haulage Association A T the...
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to Come? By S. C. Bond, A T this time last year we were right in the middle of the Suez Crisis. Things looked black indeed. I...
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rAPABLE of carrying an aggregate ‘•-• load of 360 lambs, an E.R.E. eightwheeler and trailer outfit delivered by Carmichael and...
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W HEN Europe becomes a free trade area, comparisons between the British and Continental commercial-vehicle industries will...
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A usTIN trucks are playing a great part in this enterprise. Kinnear Moodie & Co. Ltd. are the Civil Engineering Contractors...
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a noticeable feature of last year's Continental shows was the increasing attention that is being paid by designers to easy cab...
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T w° mobile workshops, each with radio cabin and light-alloy aerial, have been shipped to Compania Shell de Venezuela for use...
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By W. L. Morgan, miMech.E., Chief Engineer, British Road Services I N looking forward into the New Year, the engineers of...
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Bird's Eye View A CURIOUS conflict of loyalties was created in the appeal., Pl. (reported on page 704) against the grant of a...
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I N making their plans for publicity, which presumably will take effect some time this year, hauliers are justified in...
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conducted by The Conz»tercitti Motor over the progress of road haulage since denationalization has emphasized recent comment...
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A STEERING layout intended chiefly 1 — X for buses and coaches is disclosed in patent No. 785,958. (Daimler-Benz A.G.,...
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Buying a goods vehicle is not an easy task. Even when you have determined the right type for the job, the choice is wide and...