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O NE of the finest examples of how hauliers can help themselves by co-operation with other hauliers is provided in the...
T HE designating of clearways within urban areas is a comparatively new problem for operators The protest meeting held in...
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Ebert Heymann T WELVE years ago, Mr. Freddie Jeune, who was an engineer and haulier, entered into partnership with a young man...
G OOD morning, Mr. Marples. Have you got any thoughts . on box dimensions for public service vehicles, on simpler records for...
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A SIX-WHEELED vehidle, based on L. the •Tharnee: . Trader •7-ton chassis and cab, and having - twin-drive rear axles, is now...
FADERS of the T.U.C. and of unions with members in the transport industry are to seek another meeting with Mr. Ernest Marples,...
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DICK-UP versions of the Austin I 10-12-cwt. and Morris J.4 vans are announced today by the British Motor Corporation. The new...
From Our Industrial Correspondent T HE Ministry of Labour took a hand last week in the dispute over pay and conditions of...
the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, as they affect direction indicators—made known on February 19, 1958—have...
T HE fifteenth annual dinner of Traders' Road Transport Association is to be held at Grosvenor House, Park Lane. London. W.1,...
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE House of Commons has given a First Reading to a Bill to ensure that when a vehicle is...
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MR. L. B. CHAMLL has been promoted from assistant transport manager to transport and purchase casings manager of Blue Peter...
of Transport, has retired after reaching the age limit. He completed more than 35 years' service with the Institute. MR. JOIIN...
W E regret to record the death on February 19 of MR. FREDERICK CHARLES WILLIAMS. He joined Martin Walter, Ltd., Folkestone, in...
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T HE name Thornycroft has gone from the board of directors of Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd. Associated Commercial...
L ONDON'S bus services were saved at the eleventh hour this week from disruption by an unofficial strike of some busmen. The...
T "possibility that rates increases may affect some traders using long distance haulage services was admitted by Mr. Alexander...
March 5-I4.—Leipzig Spring Fair. March 7.—Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund, Annual General Meeting, Connaught Rooms,...
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T HE term "military pickle" might well describe a situation which arose on Salisbury Plain when Blue and Ivory Coaches, Ltd.,...
BARTON RE-EQUIP: Barton Transport, Ltd., Chilwell, Notts, have ordered three MOTO A.E.C. Mercury tractive units to further the...
1-1 . A LEICESTER haulage concern, A. Fletcher and Co., of lbstock, are to place time clocks in the cabs of their lorries as...
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DULK delivery of grain and feeding stuffs is not catching on very quickly in this country. This is the finding of a survey...
IkAR, R. C. MOORE, general manager al of Sheffield transport department. will officially open the new East Bank bus garage,...
Radio-telephone equipment is to be installed by Northampton Highways Dept. in a further six vehicles at a cost of £1,000....
A COUNTERBLAST to the adverse PI publicity that is being given to diesel exhaust fumes is planned by Traders' Road Transport...
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M R. G. C. GOODIER, chairman of North Western Tippers, Ltd., the newly formed pool of tipping vehicle operators belonging to...
T HE board of Leyland Motors, Ltd., have no ambition to take over Fodens, Ltd. That statement was made by Sir Henry Spurrier...
F AILURE of .applicants to appear in support of their claims was criticized strongly by Mr. W. F. Quin,. Scottiih Licensing...
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PPLYING at Liverpool last week for L an articulated vehicle on B licence be used solely for maintenance purses, Johnson, Wild...
• is announced by The Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund that with the t under Covenant of another £5,000, strol, Ltd., j...
arden Brothers (Haulage), Ltd. Cap. £100. Dir.: E. Barden, 112 Chatsworth Road, London, E.5. erkeley Haulage Co. ' Ltd: Cap....
A DDRESSING a meetin g of the ri Industrial Transport Association on " Aspeets of Transport Law," Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw...
F OLLOWING a spate of sensational I novels set in Midland and Northern industrial towns, it is a welcome relief to read a...
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Blackpool transport department have been disclosed by the chairman of the transport committee, Aid. E. E. Wynne. The plan is...
Scotland is now at work in the Paisl area. It is operated by G. Porrelli at Co., Underwood Lane, Paisley, wl already operate...
O NE of the last agreements to be negotiated by Mr. Fred Eastwood, who retires as chief union spokesman on the road haulage...
Ayr Corporation Works Committee are to consider the purchase of a bulldozer for the Surveyor's Department. Hereford...
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Granted — Subject to Review 1-1 . At the public inquiry held at Ponteland, it was stated that the Corporation were prepared to...
THE following appointments have been made at area meetings of the Traders' Road Transport Association:— Coventry Chairman: Mr....
A LTHOUGH there has ' been a decrease in the number of passengers carried there are hopes that Glasgow transport department...
T WO drivers who were said to have driven at least the equivalent of 281 times round the world without being involved in a...
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-Cases Down T HE trend towards increased mileages to carry fewer patients continues as a feature of the operation of the...
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em clock Work by G. Duncan Jewell "W ORK, work, and yet more work, is the success recipe of the family haulage concern...
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A LTHOLiGH the exports of new cornmercial vehicles reached an all-time high level of 14,929 units last November, this figure...
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D ECENTLY introduced into the United Kingdom is the Cibit " Oscar" fog lamp, which has been specifically designed for use on...
has been produced by Powell and Co., Burry Port, Carmarthenshi re, South Wales. Included in the brochure are details and...
by E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., of Old Trafford, VIanchester, has a liquid capacity of 3 cu. yd., and is able to deal equally...
of plastics and intended for use on commercial vehicles are now manufactured by Fairylites, Ltd., Chalex Works, Southwick,...
Romanite 248, a new adhesive manufactured by the Liverpool Borax Co., Ltd. (Andrew Maxwell Division), Maxwell House, St.&...
portable warning lamps made by Notek, Ltd., Bromley, Kent, is the Model III Flaremaster. Only 12 in. high and 5 in. in...
Bridgwater, Somerset, gives details of all this company's engine-testing and tune-up equipment.
Haymarket, London, S.W.1, is a 48-page booklet entitled Calendar of Events, France 1961, which should be of interest to...
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In Handling of Bulky or Heavy Objects Six Basic Principles Must be Observed T HE human body can be regarded as a hydraulic...
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I SOLATION from the continent of Europe has its disadvantages, but there are points in its favour as well. The transport...
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O NE of the hardest worked—and often most sadly neglected—components in a modern commercial vehicle is the battery. This is...
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20,000 R.P.M. POSSIBLE WITH NEW EQUIPMENT A RECENT addition to the engineering ra test facilities of Automotive Products Co.,...
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By Charles M. Heady AL GOLDEN anniversary, celebrating 50 Golden Years ... . That is the proud claim of Ford of ■ agenham in...
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The operator trusted to regular manual lubrication, but he was robbing his bearing components of -half their useful life....
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F LUCTUATION in loadings is always a major problem for transport operators. Except possibly in highly specialized ancillary...
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A CAR-TRANSPORTER, which can rt be adapted to carry general goods and so obtain return loads is shown in patent No. 858,834....
A • VEHICLE having two systems of wheels, one for use on the road, the other on railway lines, and intended for use in railway...