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Commercial Vehicle Fog Lamp
D ECENTLY introduced into the United Kingdom is the Cibit " Oscar" fog lamp, which has been specifically designed for use on commercial vehicles. The optics of this fog lamp......
Cleaning Equipment Brochure A New Brochure Entitled...
has been produced by Powell and Co., Burry Port, Carmarthenshi re, South Wales. Included in the brochure are details and illustrations of Powell Clean-Aid equipment, which......
New 3-cu. - Yd. Dumper T He New Muir-hill 14b...
by E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., of Old Trafford, VIanchester, has a liquid capacity of 3 cu. yd., and is able to deal equally xrell with concrete of varying moisture :ontent.......
Plastics Reflectors C Ircular And Rectangular Reflectors...
of plastics and intended for use on commercial vehicles are now manufactured by Fairylites, Ltd., Chalex Works, Southwick, Sussex. The circular model is available in three......
New Adhesive Rt A Wide Range Of Applications Is Possible...
Romanite 248, a new adhesive manufactured by the Liverpool Borax Co., Ltd. (Andrew Maxwell Division), Maxwell House, St.& Paul's Square, Liverpool, 3. In addition to its ability......
Long - Distance Warning Light A N Addition To The Range...
portable warning lamps made by Notek, Ltd., Bromley, Kent, is the Model III Flaremaster. Only 12 in. high and 5 in. in diameter, the Flaremaster III is a long-distance warning......
Testing Equipment Catalogue T He New Catalogue From...
Bridgwater, Somerset, gives details of all this company's engine-testing and tune-up equipment.......
French Calendar A Vailable From The French Government...
Haymarket, London, S.W.1, is a 48-page booklet entitled Calendar of Events, France 1961, which should be of interest to operators of Continental coach tours. Included in the......