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D Etails Of The Incentive Bonus Scheme Proposed For...
Blackpool transport department have been disclosed by the chairman of the transport committee, Aid. E. E. Wynne. The plan is that the first £5,000 of profits would go to the......
The First Mobile Ice-cream Manufs Turing Unit To Be...
Scotland is now at work in the Paisl area. It is operated by G. Porrelli at Co., Underwood Lane, Paisley, wl already operate five normal ice-crea mobile shops. The vehicle was......
Maintenance Men Get More Pay
O NE of the last agreements to be negotiated by Mr. Fred Eastwood, who retires as chief union spokesman on the road haulage wages councils at the end of this month, was......
Municipal Contracts
Ayr Corporation Works Committee are to consider the purchase of a bulldozer for the Surveyor's Department. Hereford Corporation Health Committee recommend the purchase of a new......