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New B.m.c. Pick-ups
DICK-UP versions of the Austin I 10-12-cwt. and Morris J.4 vans are announced today by the British Motor Corporation. The new vehicles are priced at £445 in primer finish,......
The Bus Pay Dispute
From Our Industrial Correspondent T HE Ministry of Labour took a hand last week in the dispute over pay and conditions of 100,000 provincial busmen employed by private......
Direction Indicator Regulations Ministry Of Transport...
the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, as they affect direction indicators—made known on February 19, 1958—have been scrapped. Amended proposals have been......
T.r.t.a. Dinner Date
T HE fifteenth annual dinner of Traders' Road Transport Association is to be held at Grosvenor House, Park Lane. London. W.1, on Monday, May I. The reception is at 7 p.m. and......
Closing An H.p. Loophole
BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT THE House of Commons has given a First Reading to a Bill to ensure that when a vehicle is being bought by hire purchase the fact will be noted......