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3rd May 1980
3rd May 1980
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Page 1, 3rd May 1980

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Viva transport

THE AGENDA for the International Road Transport Union's 17th Congress which opens in Seville on Tuesday could have been...

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Minister's message to CM

HE RIGHT honourable P. N. 'owler M.P., Minister of 'ransport has paid CM the istinction of sending us the 31lowing telegram....

On show at AVM

THIS DAF ITT 2805 DKS was on show at the AVRO Exhibition at Droitwich last weekend. It is titled with a Holmes 750 wrecker...

SMMT recall Renaults

RENAULT Trucks & Buses UK Ltd is to recall 79 Renault-Berliet TR305 tractive units under the SMMT's product recall code....

Value for money says RHA

WE MUST all try to give greater value for money in 1980 and 1981 according to John Silbermann, National chairman of the Road...

Mr Fowler for VBRA

The Minister of Transport, the Rt. Hon. Norman Fowler, MP, will be the key speaker at the conference of the Vehicle Builders...

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Kind' wins at Brighton

KINCH OF LOUGHBOROUGH repeated its win at the Blackpool National Coach Rally when its Volvo B58 Plaxton executive coach became...

Urgent need

GREATER Manchester Sur face Transport Action Groui has written to the Departmen of Transport stressing that tit early...

Bus cuts warning

BUS PASSENGERS will noi be put at risk by any cuts ir public expenditure, Depart. ment of Transport permaneni secretary Sir...

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Hearing adjourned more proof needed

■ N OPERATOR who is at the limit of his bank overdraft acilities and admitted having no other capital had his licence...

Refused new job dismissed

A MANCHESTER lorry driver who did not accept a new job when he was reinstated by North Western BRS has had his unfair dismissal...

lo sick :ertificate or absence

CHARD HOGG, of 14 Henrson Street Leith, failed in application for wrongful ;missal against Dunvan nstruction Co of Edinburgh...

Interchange complete

THE FINAL section of Monkland Motorway and Baillieston Interchange was opened last week. The opening of these two parts of the...

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How comprehensive is 'Comprehensive' when your Company comes up against The Law?

NSVVER: in this day and age, not enough. There have been big changes in the last few years. For one thing, there's a lot more...

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TT steps up ro ro capacity

TOWNSEND THORESEN has chartered the 1,599-ton rollon, roll-off ship Stena Trader to meet demand for its freight services from...

Course for body building

FIVE-DAY residential course in management are to be run by the RTITB for body builders and body repairers. The scheme is one...

NIT's to benefit

THE CLYDE PORT Authority has started work on a dredging programme at Ardrossan Harbour which will increase the channel depth...

FERGUSSONS new Mk Three 'Super Sucker' gully emptier, makes its

first appearance at an ISWM Show at this year's World Congress at Wembley between June 16-20. It is claimed the high...

Dover down

THE number of freight vehicles passing through the port of Dover during the first three months of this year decreased by about...

Mr George Younger MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, opened

the new Ayrshire Road Transport Group Training Association Centre in Prestwick at 11.30arn on Monday, April 28. The Centre...

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AVRO's show biggest ever

LAST WEEKEND AVRO, the Association of Vehicle Recovery Operators, formed by CM in 1976, held its fourth annual exhibition and...

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New Renault bank stockist

PEM Trailers Ltd of Bournemouth is the first company in the UK to be appointed bank stockists for the new Renault JK75 7.38...

Tacho offer

A TACHOMETER to give continuous reading of exhauster-compressor speed is an option now offered by Whale Tankers of Solihull on...

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Passengers first then residents

A MIDLAND RED bus service may be re-routed because of public pressure. In a reserved decision, the East Midland Traffic...


WEST GERMAN bus manufacturer MAN has gained a number of major export orders for buses. In the United States the Seattle...

BRF chunnel campaign

A ONE-DAY symposium on the proposals for a Channel link has been arranged for next . month by the British Road Federation.

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Len Payne: is he the FTA's answer to Ron Greenwood?

THE RON GREENWOOD of the transport industry. That's how Len Payne sees his new role as president of the Freight Transport...

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Walls go for the one-step 50-series

THE WALLS Meat Company, Ltd, the only national distributor of meat products, has embarked upon a major replacement programme...

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Your thesis is our concern

THIS YEAR, CM celebrates its 75th anniversary. We plan to mark this occasion with a number of special events which will be...

Articulated fleet maintenance programme

lntertruck Ltd Articulated fleet maintenance programme. Planning an effective maintenance system for a fleet of...

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The development of European road transport

P&O European Transport Services The development of European road transport To examine the development of European road...

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Does URTU believe in competition?

I AM PLEASED that Jackson Moore is concerned about the forthcoming "Suicide of the RHA" (CM April 12). It is obvious he has...

Reference tariffs 'not sinister'

THE LETTER from Jackson Moore (CM April 12) gives a sinister interpretation to the EEC Commission's intentions in relation to...

Women at war in transport

IN YOUR 75th Anniversary Number (CM March 15) you printed a feature containing extracts not entirely complimentary to the...

Bodywork problems and the EEC

I REFER to Mr Bogaert's letter (CM April 12) under the title "Want to buy a dead body?" It would appear that Mr Bogaert has...

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( From the Orakiiinq Boar

by Graham Montgomere Oil discoveries could well fail to keep pace with future demand — with serious consequences for the...

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Something old, something new

Many entrants in - nis years Historic Commercial Vehicle Club London-Brighton Rally prove there's nothing new under the sun....

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Can artics join UK bus scene?

It's a matter of scale. decides Noel Millier Worldwide they have big potential but not in London LIKE BIG BEN and Buckingham...

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Think again on hgv bans

If the Government's proposed Enterprise Zones are created in city centres, councils may have to think again about bans on hgv...

Mind boggling economics

SOME CHANCELLORS of the Exchequer think the answer to inflation is to rob the rich. Not so the bold Sir Geoffrey Howe. His...

Branching out on new line

A SHORT LENGTH of the old LNWR Coalport branch in the centre of Telford is being developed as a 60cm-gauge tramway with a...

Will drivers feel pinch?

INTERNATIONAL lorry and coach drivers who visit Italy have to contend with a new hazard. Everyone eating in catering...

Councils' role in transport

- PERHAPS [local government] should be thought of not so much as a local authority but as a local responsibility," Ken Rogers,...

I ran from this joke...

THE EXALTED Saudi Arabian Sheikh has allowed BL Cars to make a pun of his name with the advertising catch-line for the Mini:...

Memorial fund for Johnny

A CHEQUE for 000 has been subscribed to the memorial fund to the late Johnny Johnson, who distinguished Commercial Motor for...

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Let's get our priorities right

London bus lanes don't seem to work but this is by no means the case everywhere. Take So ampton, for instance. Noel Millier...

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Another Golden Jubilee

'The amalgamation between the brash ARO and the staid CMUA must have looked like a marriage between a barmaid and a total...

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London operators' tourist bonanza

What ever would the capital's coach men do if there were no foreign tourists? They contribute a 200 m yearly income ; reports...

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Now a computer that reads tachograph charts

By linking the Lucas Kienzle AUTOMATIC tachograph to the IP 1613 Micro Computer the fleet operator can achieve operating...

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What price psv in the Eighties?

Are our bus operators getting a fair deal. Noel IV illier reports PUBLIC TRANSPORT professionals cannot feel very encouraged...