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a lack of transport facilities. There are two possible reasons for their difficulties. The total resources of hauliers in the...
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T HERE are various views in Britain as to the advisability or otherwise of encouraging the building of toll roads. Some people...
Berwick to Land's End by Bus THE British Broadcasting Corporation, who so I rarely give " credits " to the road passenger...
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That a new large skating rink has been opened in Moscow, with dressing room for 10,000 people. That the Russians should be...
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Hire Associations .Organize Opposition to Bill : Wider Powers for B.T.C.? A SSOC1ATIONS representing coach and bus companies...
S OC1ALISTS are blaming the denationalization of road haulage for the recent threatened railway strike. They say that one of...
is also under fire from the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association. They are unhappy about the advertisement of private...
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T would be "severely prejudicial" to the interests of road safety if the taximum width of goods vehicles of ver 4 tons unladen...
of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., will. be £400.,000 a year higher than they were at the same time last...
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MR. RONALD G. DAVIES, former manager of the Carlisle Group of British Road Services, has. taken up an appointment with the...
QHEFFIELD area of the Road Haul0.J age Association has asked the local medical officer of health to receive a deputation about...
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D ECISION is expected today on an application by the Mansfield District Traction Co., Ltd., for revised fares designed to...
a further r't 10 vehicles (28 tons 16 cwt.) has been granted to S. Ball and Son (Transport), Ltd., West End Garage, Chipping...
Tubeless Taxicord, specially designed for taxicabs, has been introduced. After being thoroughly tested on London taxicabs, the...
the Government announced their new road scheme. Details will be published next week.
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T HE Western Licensing Authority last week adjourned for the second time an application by Wessex Coaches, Ltd., for new...
F ARES adjustments designed to increase revenue by £60,000 a year are to be recommended by Rochdale Transport Committee. In a...
12 Ramsden Terrace, Leeds, was summoned at Shrewsbury last week for using. a defective lorry, it was stated that the foot-brake...
A N order for Leyland Royal Tiger Worldmaster underfloor engined single-deck buses has been placed by the Public Utility...
T HE second edition of "Questions and Answers on Diesel Engines" (6s.) will be published by George Newnes, Ltd., on January 21....
upon Kingston (Architectural Craftsmen), Ltd., Hull, and 10 of their drivers at Hull, last week, for offences in connection...
Ceylon has risen from 4,000 to 14,000 since the war, Mr. L. S. B. Perera, Commissioner of Motor Transport, told the Ceylon...
P RESENT prosperous conditions should not deceive C licence operators into thinking that their freedom is eternally secure,...
NV ITH an authorized capital of £100,000, R.L. Engineers, Ltd., has been formed by Rootes Motors, Ltd., and R. A. Lister and...
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- )ELEGATES representing some -. 1 58,000 London bus workers decided ist Friday by a large majority to refer ) their branches...
from service in Sydney, Australia, st week pending a check of stub :les, The Times reported. Tests of i -double-deckers had...
Traffic Bill are to be moved in mmittee by Lord Brabazon. One is that the general speed limit built-up areas should apply only...
the uminitnn Exhibition, to be held at Festival Hall, London, from ne 1-11, to demonstrate present-day :s of the metal....
R ESIDENTS of housing estates on the outskirts of Sheffield are to be provided with direct excursions and tours by two coach...
A CONDITION that the applicant should produce figures of revenue for the past year was made by the Northern Licensing...
S TEEL framework for a building 50 ft. long, 15 ft. wide, 7 ft. high to the eaves and 10 ft. to the ridge is being supplied by...
TH E Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., Bilston, Staffordshire, have developed a new welding set known as Type ACP.190. It is air-cooled and...
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THE theory that increased road serI vices abstracted traffic from the railways was "bogus," stated Mr. F. D. Walker, for Ribble...
'THE eighth concern acquired in recent L years by the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd.—Suttons Motors (Stokeon-Trent), Ltd.,...
rt A PALLET truck claimed to be the smallest of its type in the world has been introduced by Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., Kingsclerc...
straight series control and battery equipment smaller than normal is to be exhibited at the Scottish Dairy Show at Glasgow from...
A LL aspects of the carriage of fruit, flowers and vegetables from the • county by road and rail will be examined by a county...
W HEN Messrs. T. Bell and Sons, Wood Street, Botcherby, Carlisle, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority last week to add...
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"IN Wednesday, the Transport Tri bunal resumed the hearing of the Teat by Abernant Transport (Rhigos), d., and began to hear 18...
ft. in I the maximum legal length of a foureeled double-deck bus was held out t week by Mr. Boyd-Carpenter, nister of...
the conference of the Institute of Public :ansing at Scarborough from June 13will be "Public Cleansing Costing," Mr. J. Ruscoe,...
F IFTEEN tours ranging in duration from three to 12 days are to be offered by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., during the...
F IVE tower wagons and a rollingstock maintenance van belonging to Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation have been equipped. with...
the annual conference al the Co-operative Party at Scarborough, from April 8-11, will urge a subsidy for public transport.
R ISING costs and the fuel tax have created difficulties for yet another bus company. The debenture holders have appointed a...
THE first edition, in booklet form, of The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine' World Directory of Manufacturers," has just been...
the South African Railways, P.O. Box 7784, Johannesburg. Tenders close on February 17. The vehicles needed are as follows; Four...
in London, about a quarter are now powered by oil engines and the number is still increasing rapidly. A recent analysis of...
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1 ,o-existence in Haulage By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. ionalization Proceeds Smoothly ! Area from Aberdeen SouthTraders...
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'THREE Leyland Comet tippers °per' ated by the Van Ryn Sand Co., Benoni, Transvaal, have halved the company's fuel costs. The...
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Latest Design from Germany is the Mercedes-Benz 0 321 H Integral Bus : Rear Engine Position and Light Weight are Notable )...
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T WO safety codes, one dealing with the operation of industrial trucks and the other with the handling of petroleum, have just...
R EGISTRATIONS of new vehicles, 1 % other than cars and motorcycles, again showed a big rise in November last. For that month...
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New Conversion Set Enables Tractor to Haul Scammell-type or Fifth-wheel Semi-trailers .."'OR some months, British Road...
B ODIES for several crew cars are being built by Jones Bros. (Coachbuilders), Ltd., Old Oak Common Lane, London, N.W.10, for...
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Midland Operator Uses Sixwheeled Comet of Lightweight Construction to Carry 1.2i Tons r_TAVTNG been equipped with a I....
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I AM interested in the query raised in your leading article of January 14 as to the wisdom of "purchasing" the goodwill of...
\/ VOUR article on bus services serving Merseyside was OUR interesting. May I, however, make several corrections:— (1) During...
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Political Commentary By JANUS O NCE again the trade-union leaders appear to have successfully outflanked the representatives...
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Six Depots and 92 Lorries Bought by New Scottish Company: Sheffield Corporation to Bid for City Depot A UNIT comprising six...
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Analysis of Items Shows that an Owner-driver Cannot Save Much by Doing Maintenance Himself at Weekends L AST week I raised the...
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a year is being lost by the Ulster 1 6-. 1 Transport Authority as a result of the 'illegal activities of lorry owners....
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1 - 1 A BRAKE that uses some of the drum energy to intensify its action forms the subject of patent No. 720,257 (Kelsey-Hayes...