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THIS TIME next week we will know the result of the only poll that matters. Claims and counter claims, promises and denials have...
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The idea is for the rest of the EEC to accept 40 tonnes with 3ritain and Ireland being Wowed to stay at 38 tonnes until A least...
A LEADING international haulage company has defended its stance on rates after allegations that it is deliberately suppressing...
THE HEAVY lorry definitely does pay its way according to Richard Turner, controller, planning and traffic services at the...
THE GENERAL ELECTION campaign did not deter the transport committee of the European Parliament from paying a threeday visit to...
LONDON operators are bracing themselves for the near certainty of-the Wood Inquiry into lorry bans recommending that some...
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FORD is pulling out of two markets in which it has performed less successfully, and the Cargo will be its only hgv from next...
MEMBERS of the Society o Motor Manufacturers and Trad ers who exhibited at last year': Motor Show are sharing £450,000 rebate...
THE AVON Rubber Company made a profit of £2.18m before interest for the half year ended April 2. Lower interest rates and more...
A. C. PENMAN has signed a manufacturing and assembly agreement with Lawrence David, of Peterborough, allow. ing the lightweight...
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:ONSERVATIVE manifesto romises appear to be more atractive to the two main trade ssociations than some of the abour proposals,...
Most likely casualty on June 9, transport select committee hairman, Tom Bradley, who is rying to hold on in Leicester iast for...
SCOTTISH transport interests are awaiting the outcome of next week's election with particular concern. Scottish Secretary...
THE GOVERNMENT has risen to the defence of its own record on lorry controls, with Transport Secretary David Howell telling his...
CONTRACT DRIVING company Overdrive won a contract with the Social Democratic party to provide 20 drivers for a mobile poster...
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on iday, June 13, on a site adjacent to the roll-on/off terminal rated by the Harbour Commissioners and used exclusively by...
officials are expecting de!lined opposition by West many and Italy to their new posal which would greatly Dnd within the EEC...
A WESTERN AMEY Roadstone Corporation coating plant in North Wales is trying to extend its operating hours after winning a major...
THE M25 London orbital motorway should be completed by 1986. To chart its progress over the following months, a map is...
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FEW PREMISES will need to be adapted to accommodate 38-tonne, lorries, if they are capable of handling 32.5-tonners, according...
ANDREW WISHART and So Kirkcaldy, Fife, a haul contractor and storage Opel is to convert its fleet of 30 distance units to...
WINCANTON VEHICLE Rentals has opened new branches at tingham and Bristol and hopes to open several more later this y The...
THE WEST Midlands Regional Group of Chambers of Commerce is giving its full support to proposals for the completion of the M40...
A SECOND Freightliner c tamer terminal is now opi tional at Felixstowe doc helping Freightliner han 125,000 of the 430,000 c...
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E LACK of a notice in the cab warning of the height of a lorry led Durkin (Civil Engineering Contractors) being ordered to pay...
YEW CODE of Practice giving guidance on the making and operatI of closed shop agreements is now in operation. rhe code, Closed...
AIR SUSPENSION semi-trailers form part of a distribution package which Midlands BRS is providing for hi-ti and television...
HANIEL INTERNATIONAL Forwarders has employed the services of a Boffin to increase efficiency and improve customer service — at...
STAFFORDSHIRE County Council is warning drivers that roadworks could cause delays on part of the M6 from the beginning of July...
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BRITISH TELECOM has awarded pany and Armfield Engineering draulic access platforms. York's contract is worth £500,000 to...
Beans specialises in the reman uf a ctu re of diesel engines while Coventry Components concentrates on petrol engine and...
FORT VALE Engineering of I son, Lancashire which manu . tures valves and ancilli equipment for road tankers, produced a 76mm...
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4CANTON Vehicle Rentals has opened two new branches at tingham and Bristol (see p14)and has appointed two new branch nagers....
BARRY KNAGGS has resigned as manager of the south-east district of the Road Haulage Association. He leaves to move into private...
JAMES McBURNIE has joined the board of Transport Management and Marketing. He will assume full time responsibility for...
WE RECORD with regret the death of David Watkins and Robert Bloomfield. Mr Watkins, owner of Prestatyn Coachways, North Wales,...
JOHN THOMPSON has been promoted to the board of Dowman Commercial Vehicles of Stockport. The company specialises in sales and...
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SPECULATION that a future Conservative Government would impose new speed restrict ions on coaches on motorways appears to be...
THE BUS and Coach Council has entered the pre-election debate this week with "The Bus — The key to urban mobility", the third...
MELLOR Coachcraft is building a minibus for the Ford Motor Company ready for Amos-style services being authorised in London....
Automatic Dorchesters fitted with Plaxton Paramount 3200 bodywork for Western SMT was shown at the spring coach rallies and the...
BUSES and coaches from over Europe are expected to tend the 26th Internation Week of the Coach and B which is at Nice on...
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RITAIN'S second largest coachbuilder is one of the prizes the estair group is looking for in its all-equity takeover bid for...
BEATING tough competition from US bus builders, Neoplan US Corporation has gained a valuable order from Los Angeles operator...
RIBBLE is to run a special bus service for disabled people in conjunction with the Central Lancashire Association of the...
WESTERN NATIONAL has reintroduced the old Royal Blue name for its coaching activities in South Devon. The name will be used on...
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Now that 38-tonners are here, a new selection of 6 x 2 tractive units has emerged. Tim Blakemore guides you through what's on...
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BY CHOOSING next Thursday for the General Election, and thus causing the postponement of the EEC Summit planned for next...
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EVEN IF Britain were not on the eve of a General Election, next Tuesday's gathering of EEC Council of Transport Ministers in...
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Jdo for hauliers )URING the General Election Impaign, candidates will be articularly receptive to rpresentations from...
SOME TWO dozen men and women aged from 16 to 68 .ravelled by coach from London o Deeside, North Wales, so that .hey could march...
I THOUGHT I had a fair general knowledge of vintage commercial vehicles but the 1915 Jeffrey-Quad that gained four awards in...
IT IS DIFFICULT to believe that the ubiquitous Land Rover was originally introduced at the 1948 Amsterdam Motor Show as a...
THE FRENCH government, I read, has not abandoned the idea of single carriageways for future motorways as a costcutting measure....
MARTHEUS KEMKERS, of Eelde, Holland, is one of the few people who make a virtue out of blowing hot and cold. He specialises in...
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Love for the lorry may be too much to hope for from the general public, but appreciation of its merits and importance should...
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Magirus and Leyland studies THE LATEST in the World Trucks series from the publishers Patrick Stephens cover Magirus and...
THE Transport Engineer's Handbook (£11, Kogan Page) takes over where the Transport Manager's Handbook ends. It provides in a...
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Cannon Industries reveals how it can now move 120 gas cookers in one trailer and yet still have easy and flexible loading. The...
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Gauntlett International is a major force on the international and domestic removal scene, as Brits in Lisbon will testify. Mike...