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H AULIERS who read the report in The Commercial Motor last week about the unauthorized transfer of railway vehicles from one...
Mr. Hanlon refuted this submission. The normal user defined operation as within 20 miles of the London base, ' mainly for the...
A FEW years after London County Council started work in 1889, Penge was taken out of the county and Stoke Newington brought in....
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F AIR play, giving the other man a chance, sustaining staff morale, by a friendly, considerate policy—these were phrases that...
Needless Waste NAANY of us fume when we get held up at traffic lights, IVA particularly the exasperating variety employed by...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HERE were noticeably fewer objections than usual when the Road Haulage Wages Council met on...
A T a cost of .€45,000, Green woods (St. Ives), Ltd., has taken over a northwestern haulage concern. The latest acquisition of...
8s. 7d. a week in wages or a reduction in the basic working week from 44 to 42 hours for London Transport maintenance men has...
E XPERIMENTAL fluorescent lighting has been installed by Dundee Transport Department in a double-decker. The new strip lighting...
T HE question of colouring duty-free fuel to avoid the need for keeping records of diesel fuel used is being considered by the...
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TURIN, Wednesday P ASSENGER vehicles provide the greatest interest at this year's Turin Motor Show, the appearance of two...
was given on Tuesday for Mr. Erie Kay's appointment to the newly created position of chief engineer of the transport...
VTISCOUNT TENBY, speaking at the V anniversary luncheon of the Institute of Transport in London on Tuesday, reminded the 500...
THE first factory-built Italian twin steered six-wheeler is being exhibited by Fiat at the Turin Show, which opened yesterday....
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Queen's Speech on Tuesday gave notice of forthcoming "proposals for reforming the...
VV E record with deep regret the death. on Monday, of Mr. Claud Barrington, a member of the board of management, British Road...
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MR. J. SKELDON has been appointed sales director, j. C. Bamford (Excavators), Ltd. MR. JAMES BELL has been appointed chief...
A NEW guide for overseas and pro vincial visitors was published on Tuesday by London Transport. It is designed to help people...
B RADFORD City Council has approved a traffic regulation scheme in the central area of the city.
A BOUT £8m. is proposed to be spent by London County Council's town planning committee ,in the next two years. Schemes include...
C ONTRACTS for building a further 19 miles of the Birmingham-Preston motorway, between the northern end of the Stafford by-pass...
P ROVIDED that the necessary road service licences are granted, Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co., Ltd., and Rotherham...
COMMERCIAL vehicle manufacturers have lent less support than might be expected to the British Trade Fair, to be held in the...
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ILLEGAL operation outside the 15-mile radius of his licence was admitted by livestock haulier, John McIntosh, Kirriemuir, at a...
A DOUGLAS Cargor - Imaster was demonstrated on Tuesday at London Airport. The Cargomaster (seen right) has been developed...
of 1190 million would be spent on road works in England and Wales, Mr. Marples told Lieut.-Col. BromleyDavenport. Answering...
NyIEMBERS of the Metropolitan SecPa lion of the Institute of Transport met at the Institute's headquarters on Monday to say...
A N official age limit of 15, up to which children could travel at half fares on public transport was turned down by the...
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S ITTING in London, last week, the Transport Tribunal gave a clear indication of their views on the type of evidence required...
TE th e principle in this appeal was to I decide . wbether. oral evidence was always necessary, the answer was no. The Tribunal...
T HE Ministry of Transport expects shortly to discuss with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders a scheme under which...
F OUNDED less than a year ago to make trailers, Northern Trailers, Ltd., of Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, is completing factory...
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O VER 100 heavy-duty goods chassis . have been added to the . American Ford range this month for the 1961 programme, and for...
L'INALITY has not yet been reached in the discussions that have been taking place between the Ministry of Transport and...
L' LEVEN Leyland Comet passenger chassis have been shipped to Ceylon by Ashok' Leyland, Ltd., and they will be equipped with...
have been ordered by James Robertson and Sons (Preserve Manufacturers). Ltd., London. Russell of Bathgatc. Ltd.. have ordered a...
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A GROUP of about 200 scientists and technicians met at the Shell research centre, Thornton, recently to discuss wear in...
A VOTING deadlock was created in r" - L Nottingham, last week, over an application by Skill's Motor Coaches to be placed on the...
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B ECAUSE suitable land and sufficient labour, are not likely to be available at Chapel-en-le-Frith to meet long-term plans for...
A FORMER director of the New Road rt Haulage Co., and of Oak Garage Co., Ltd., both of Hoghton, near Preston, was at Lancaster...
bus routes, totalling 27.5 route miles, are to be converted for operation by Routemaster motorbuses next Wednesday. This will...
" IF your own motor industry is to expand you must face the costs of, extensive road building," an American, business man said...
street cleaning, light construction work and similar applications, the 780 'Fruckster three-wheeler has an 11-cu.-ft. dump...
A FTER listening to an application by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., to introduce an additional nicking-up point in Scarborough,...
Swansea Highways Committee is seeking a light Tower wagon and a Morris 32 vehicle. Wish,,,, Cumberland, Rural Distriet Council...
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JOINT applications by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., and East Midland Motor. Services, Ltd,, to operate express services between...
1- 1. A HAZARD for hauliers handling loads to and from the Continent was pinpointed in a case at Liverpool when 'F. Nelson...
successful application to replace a four-wheeler carrying nine tons by a sixwheeler to carry 14, which was heard by the West...
F OLLOWING an inquest at Newcastle upon Tyne last week, the city's road safety committee is to start a campaign to alter the...
A MONG orders for A.E.C. vehicles In , which have been received, from Australia and New Zealand (which in total are worth...
T HE Stamford by-pass and an improved section of the Great North Road was opened on Monday by Mr. Ernest Marples, the Minister...
Q UESTIONS of the possibility of a .dual grant and the licensing, without evidence of need, of vehicles in the North Western...
P E Land-Rover Owners' Club is to hold its sixth annual rally on Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13. The event will...
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T HE activities of " pirates " who run unauthorized works services with small vehicles can result in licensed operators having...
NiTEMBERS of the Grimsby-Cleethorpes al Joint Transport Committee were told last week by the general manager, Mr. J. Rostron,...
U NLESS local transport authorities co-operated in providing buses for cotton's double-shift workers, they must expect their...
r - L A PUBLICITY campaign for the quicker turn-round of goods vehicles was advocated by Mr. R. B. Brittain, chairman of the...
CATERING, waiting room and book ing office facilities are among the improvements planned for the existing bus station in...
show that 3,919 coaches visited the illuminations, which ended on October 23. This figure compares with 4,315 coaches in 1959.
all longdistance services working into Cork, and for some of the more important local services, has been opened by the Irish...
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Fransport Problems Finding Buses To Carry Workers To Esso Was A Western Welsh Poser By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. T HE opening...
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T EN years ago, Michael McKenna was a driver employed by Lightfoot Bros., a Liverpool haulage company. Today, in partnership...
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it /TORE details have now been released al about a machine that can calculate a Transport Department payroll at the rate of...
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L EWIS CARROLL would have loved this curious tractor for launching gliders. It has a Commer TS3 oil engine, reputed to develop...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.IVI.I.Mech.E. HEN examining the operations of a large C-licensed fleet during a period of rapid...
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LICENSING AUTHORITY OPENS MARSHALL'S C OVERING an area of 20,000 sq. ft., a new warehouse for A. R. Marshall and Sons...
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From Our Parliamentary Correspondent rUTS in the railway Modernization programme, and strong hints of a complete...
RESHUFFLE FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT I UNDERSTAND that it is now unlikely that the Bill to alter the structure of the...
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WITH the introduction of rear-engined double-decker " bus chassis, accompanied by the increased demand for front-entrance...
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By JANUS p ESSIMISM about transport seems to grow in step with its efficiency. Never have the public had such a good range of...
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THE Hatch powered barrow, manu factured by Wheelers (Motors), Ltd.. Yeovil, Somerset, could be a cheap and simple mechanical...
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I N articles appearing in this series on September 23 and October 14 and 21, I have discussed aspects of costing as applied to...
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A SUSPENSION system that adjusts the spring action to suit the load is shown in patent No 843,910. The levelling Mechanism is...