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UORESTS are ancient economic assets. So it would be understandable if the associated timber industry were steeped in hidebound...
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A PROPOSAL by Mr. Gerald Ashton, 2-1 national clerk of the course of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, that a fee of 11...
TRAFFIC services of H. L. Walker Ltd. are now being transferred from Thornabv-on-Tees to new premises in Haverton Hill Road,...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE setting up of a "Little Neddy " 1 for freight transport—an economic development...
S EEN here receiving a cheque for £100 and a certificate of commendation presented by (on the left) Mr. Harold Elliott,...
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H ULlS need for a Humber bridge was emphasized last week at the annual dinner of the Hull and East Riding area, Yorkshire...
I HAVE never seen the relations between the RHA and TRTA in better trim than they are at the moment, both nationally and...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT B IG Tory guns are about to open up on the road haulage front. Their target: Mr. Fraser, Mr....
From A. J. P. Wilding, Turin. Wednesday A T the Turin Show which opens today the few new models displayed are designed to meet...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT E proposal, now being studied by the Home Office, that owners and not drivers of commercial...
T "priority for all-day or peak-hour waiting and loading restrictions on main routes and key junctions in London is one of the...
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'ANKER drivers and operatives employed by Shell-Ylex and BP Ltd. at 20 depots in the North West, the Midlands, Yorkshire and...
A ' part of a £10 in. redevelopment plan at Sheffield, British Railways on Friday officially opened the new Sheffield freight...
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UK was receiving packaged shipments from a variety of sources. A rapidly increasing quantity was being received from British...
A CONSIDERABLE amount of eonr"i fusion appears to exist amongst international hauliers operating from this country as to...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P ARLIAMENT is reawakening to the fact that the carriage of dangerous substances by road is...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE ECE Inland Transport Committee's working party on the revision of the European Agreement on...
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T HE first 28-ton-gross outfit fitted with Byron Bulkveyor equipment is the artic seen above, operated by Christopher Hill...
SOME RECEP LIVERIES Key Units THIS smart outfit (left) has just been added to the fleet of Key Warehousing and Transport Co....
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of Ilford, on . contract to Tunnel I Cement has the first commercial application of the Murfitt moving-bulkhead discharge...
T HE Swedish authorities have recently removed all restrictions on British semitrailers operating in Sweden, Operators running...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT DECOMINC; innocently involved in a case of lorry hi-jacking two years ago when he was a corporal...
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A XLE SPACING require1 - 1 ments are baulking the efforts of the road haulage industry to achieve the best results from the...
A ROW over Lord Hinton broke out IA in the Commons last week, with Tories claiming that he had resigned and been disowned by...
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O o Wednesday at Plymouth, when the Western Licensing Authority heard an application by Drake Carriers Ltd., Plymouth, to add...
A N unopposed application for the renewal of an A licence for nine artics in respect of the Swinton base of Law Bros. Road...
I N granting an A-licence application by Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd., Dumfries. for nine vehicles and seven trailers based...
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"N EVER before have British Railways been involved in proceedings under Section 178", said Mr. A. J. IT, Wrottesley. at...
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I WAS reminded of the old song, "The I Grand Old Duke of York" when reading a report of a recent application by Kenilworth...
I WAS glad to see that George Ewer 1 and Co., the London coach operators, had been sucessful in their plan to provide a new...
AW reform is in the air; we are promised an Ombudsman, or Parliamentary Commissioner, at any time now. When such a dignitary is...
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a conviction of Herbert Ball (Contractors) Ltd.. builders' merchants and excavation contractors, of Uphollanci. near Wigan, hi;...
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G LASGOW CORPORATION has offered its 5,000 municipal bus workers an increase of 4s. per week good timekeeping bonus, bringing...
-CI. A FLEET of 15 Leyland Allantean double deck coaches with MCW 54-seat bodies has been ordered by the British Overseas...
A NET deficit of £1,475,000 for year ended March 31 last is recorded in the accounts of Co rat lompair Eireann. This is an...
-IT'S OFFICIAL! By Derek Moses NAY illustrated forecast in "The Commercial Motor" of February 5 that a rear1 V1 engined...
L'OLLOWING the closure of King's Crois Coach Station on October 31 (The I Commercial Motor, October 1), coaches operated by...
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WITH the introduction of the winter V timetable from October this year, the regular daily service between London (Victoria...
From Our Industrial Correspondent rUTS in services by London Transport are likely to cause more trouble by its busmen, After a...
PTHE first 30 front-entrance double-deck / buses to enter service in central London will be introduced on service 24 (Hampstead...
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committee has reconsidered its previous decision not to grant extra payment, in addition to sick benefit, to bus crews absent...
for the Liverpool division of British Railways in succession to Mr. J. W. G. Turner, who has retired. The Liverpool division...
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Asr week the Queen's Bench Divisional Court gave a ruling on the meaning of the word " emission" in Regulation 80 of the Motor...
T HE transport committee • of the Lancashire County Council is to receive on November 22 a full report on the 12 months'...
New Neville Design for 32 tons G.t.w. By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.LMech.E 1 - 1. A PAYLOAD capacity of 20 tons 10 cwt. and a...
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F RONI she Hawker Siddeley company Of Hands (Letchworth) Ltd. comes news that there is to be added to the range of straight...
Care of New Engines E VERYONE is familiar with the sight of a new car trudging slowly along, displaying the "Running in,...
He says that on Bedford TK-type vehicles with Leyland engines it is very difficult and timesconsurning to inspect and 'change...
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and Publications New Range of Wheel Discs from Ward Bros. rl A RANGE of stainless-steel and anodized aluminium wheel discs...
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W HEN the Hillman Imp car was introduced by Rootes Motors Ltd. early in 1963, a number of operators dismissed the acceptability...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, AM IMechE Troubles with Slow Roll and Resonance Low-frequency oscillations and high-frequency...
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T HE first use of the new Perkins V8.5I0 engine in a range of commercial vehicles has been made by Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd....
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TWO modified versions of the ERF LV forward-control plastics cab will make their first appearance at the Scottish Show next...
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The Hawk V EW By Big Yanks A month or two ago, colleague Ron Cater wrote about the big tilt-cab Kenworth which York is using in...
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BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIIVI F ULLY automatic, foolproof warehouses will not be in large-scale use for many years, but substantial...
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RANGE of six-wheeled chassis using the Leyland Group Ergomatic tilt cab and designed for operation at 19 tons gross has been...
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Seddon Confidence T HE next annual review of SEDDON DIESEL VEHICLES, covering the 1964-5 trading period, is being awaited with...
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Delivery of Heavy Commercials THERE are matters concerning the protracted delivery of heavy commercial vehicles that are...
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FUTURE planning policy relating to the London and South-east region will affect not only the south-east corner of England but...