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T RANSPORT now has its third Minister since the autumn of 1951. Although Mr. A. T. Lennox-Boyd is to be congratulated on his...
THERE is ironical humour in the announcement, A last week, that Sir Brian H. Robertson, chairman of the British Transport...
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Of many who think modern advertisements are no disfigurement. ' That, as the publicity value of bus " ads " is high, the...
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Special List to Contain 46 Units (1,150 Vehicles) : 11 Units to be Large S PEC1AL arrangements for disposal in Scotland were...
N EVv' draft Construction and Use Regulations, authorizing an increase in the maximum gross weights and dimensions of vehicles,...
A " SUBSTANTIAL increase" in pay is to be sought by London's bus workers, according to a decision taken by the Central Bus...
T HE Royal Commission on Scottish Affairs, presided over by the Earl of Balfour, has recommended that responsibility for...
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H AULIERS are now paying about £80m. a year in wages. The increase of 3s. a week recommended by the Road Haulage Wages Council...
• .Against B.T.C. J UDGMENT for Herbert Morris, Ltd., Loughborough, against the British Transport Commission for loss and...
A SCHEME to save 545 miles and 36 man-hours a week arid, at the sanie time, give the public a better service, has been prepared...
to be exhibited for the first time at the Commercial Motor Show next month will be a two-speed epicyclie auxiliary unit for...
Liverpool Transport Department £3,720 during 1953-54. The fleet consumption rate for last year was 9.152 m.p.g., against '9,097...
was reported by the chairman, Mr. James Wild, at the annual meeting last week. Larger premises were, he said, being sought in...
MORE • commercial Vehicles are • LYI expected to be imported into New Zealand next year as the result of the Government's...
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MR. CHARLES F. JOHNSON, general nanager of the Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd., has been appointed a director. Ma. T. A. TEMPLE...
F OLLOWING an appeal by Mr, S. E. A Tomlinson (Burton Parcel Service), Meadow Road, Burton-on-Trent, the Transport [Appeal]...
'THE praetice Of a union paying fines J. imposed on members for speeding offences was described by Sheriff Middleton at...
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NI Carriers, Ltd., and the British Transport Commission for the purchase by -private treaty of the whole of the Commission's...
F ROM Monday next, occupiers of business property in Central London affected by proposed restrictions on the loading or...
O o Tuesday, Mr. R. Montgomery . White, Q.C., president of the Transport Arbitration Tribunal, refused to allow the liquidators...
26 until September 6-a C licence held in respect of three vehicles by F. H. Marshall and Co., Ltd., Rayleigh, Essex, for the...
T HE Western Licensing Authority. Mr. S. W. Nelson, at Salisbury, last Friday, commended the spirit of " sweet reasonableness"...
A T Dunstable Division Court on Tuesday, Heanor Coal and Haulage Co., Ltd., Hands Road, Heanor, Derbys, were fined the maximum...
T HERE were no objectors when, last week, Halifax Corporation gained the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's permission to operate...
T HE equivalent of a little more than a tenth of the present tax on fuel would provide a sufficient sum to look after a £500m....
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iNCREASED costs since 1938 amounted to £716,000 without allowing for depreciation, Mr. S. D. Herington told the East . Midland...
S OME London Transport bus services are to be cut because of a shortage of crews. The staff of 45,000 drivers and conductors is...
A S foreshadowed in The Commercfal 1 - 3-Motor last week, Yorkshire's I M.P.s have agreed to support West Riding County Council...
T HE need for buses to be given . priority over non-essential car traffic is mentioned in the annual report pf Newcastle upon...
A S the result of the renaming of streets, .the address of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has been changed to 1...
T HE West Midland Licensing Authority was alleged, during an appeal bearing in Birmingham last week, to have taken "an...
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A BOUT 95 per cent. of heavy goods vehicles exceed 20 m.p.h., and approximately 65-70 per cent. are driven at more than 25...
Callaghan in the House of Commons last week that he was inquiring into the need for an increase in driving and traffic...
PPEALS by United Automobile t - k Services, Ltd., against the grant of permission to Stockton Corporation to operate services...
N "purchases of transport units announced by the Northern Licensing Authority on Tuesday are by Mr. C. W. Tinkler, 7 LoWson...
for use on airfields, which can be broughtinto operation while approaching the scene of a fire, will be shown by the Pyrene...
A CONTRACT valued at $1,858,964 for reconditioning about 4,500 American Air Force vehicles based in Britain has been awarded to...
designed by Craven Bros. have been granted to Crossley Motors, Ltd. As reported last week, Craven's chairman, Mr. 3. R....
tankers was reported last week by Dr. R. J. S. Seligman, chairman of I he A.P.V. Co., Ltd. He said that sales in 1953 were...
A BALANCE of £46,449 at the ti beginning of the current financial year may have become a loss of £65,250 by the end of March,...
and the Royal Society of Arts are planned at a large number of technical colleges in Yorkshire during the 1954-55 session. Both...
licences had been refused because the bases from which the vehicles were to operate differed from those from which they were...
A N all-the-year-round daily service connecting Sheffield's two railway stations with bus stations and the city centre is to be...
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By John F. Moon W ITH full forward-control, and therefore larger body space without increase of wheelbase, the new range of...
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During the climbs, the exhaust smoke was clean except for a slight haze visible at the tail-pipe just before the change into...
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get down to a long Parliamentary discussion on the subject of assignment, I suspect they will work the ,word to death. It...
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'0 RIVERS T HE westerly arm of Cheshire between the Mersey and Dee which we know as the Wirral Peninsula has historic...
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T HE difficulty of starting an oil engine with a 12-volt battery in cold weather has been overcome by Messrs. A. Huckle and...
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b y the B.T.0 By Our Legal Adviser A Reply to "Detector" and Advice to Tenderers for Contract Units : Renewal of Contracts by...
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Why a Bristol Operator Eschews Lightweight Vehicles for his Work in Spite of their Lower First Cost and Annual Taxation :...
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WHENEVER possible, road vehicles vY are employed in preference to the railways for the transport of cycles by the Coventry...
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j4 Y family have been connected with the road haulage 1. business from the horse and cart days and since the start of...
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THE Association of British Chambers I of Commerce have asked the British Transport Commission to provide facilities for the...
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Power Scheme B JUTISH vehicles ranging from Thornycroft Mighty Antar tractors, operating in conjunction with Crane trailers,...
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National Scale of Charges Impracticable: Rail Rates Inappropriate as a Basis for Road Haulage'. Costs Favour Country Operator...
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A UNIT for facilitating the rapid Vander of the load between a rail vehicle - and a lorry is shown in patent No. 71'0,863 {E....