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ANOTHER lever could be applied by the Government to push road freight on to the railways with news this week that they are...
NATIONAL BUS this week hit back at those Who want to carve up the NBC into small local units administered by counties. It...
76-tonners gain but heavies hit by £888 operator. A 16-tonner doing 500 miles a week at 12 miles per gallon would be saving...
EMPLOYERS shares of t National Insurance will pu labour costs up by two p cent said transport minister] John Gilbert last...
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during dry Feather dust, oil and rubber eposits build up on road arfaces, in many cases acting s an 'abrasive polish. With the...
1ESPITE a large increase in le Hungarian quota earlier us year, the number of road aulage permits available has ow been almost...
MINISTER for Transport Dr John Gilbert, would not say in the Commons last week whether designated lorry ratites would be given...
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of the United States Department of Transportation, which prevents regulations imposing unnecessary costs on industry, consumers...
A WORKING party has be set up to produce new regul tions for carrying hazard() loads that will put Britain line with...
A FORD "R" Series coach with the front engine inclined to below floor level is to be offered by Tricentrol PSV Sales of...
Bedford YMT, capable of ta ing the 12m bodywork. It cost £300 more than the sta dard chassis. The first completed vehic is at...
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by CM reporter JNSPECIFIED numbers of Irish trucks are being stopped n Britain after breaking veights and licensing laws and...
PUBLIC experiment in trafic information broadcasting nay be set up following a erninar held by the TRRL. The seminar was...
HE A65 trunk road from :awlinshaw to Harden Bridge, 'orkshire, is to be improved to ut out a bend between Rawnshaw and Field...
The hue and cry likely to be raised by politicians of a persuasions over the proposed public spending cuts i unlikely to spread...
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Is Inland Revenue attitude passing the buck or a logical decision? VITRIOLIC attack by the mployers' associations on the iland...
transport roundup A NEW ANNUAL publicatio from the DoE Transpo: Statistics: Great Britai 1964-1974 (HMSO £5.2f supplements the...
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URGENT changes to the new tyre mixing regulations (CM June 18) have been called for by the Freight Transport Association. Some...
A TWO-VEHICLE haulage firm which had delayed prohi, bitions put on both its vehicles has had a one-month suspension of its 0...
THE GILTSPUR group has announced a £1.29m pre-tax profit for the year 1975/6 'compared with £1.95m for the previous year. The...
Advice from Daf Trucks on opposing Green Paper by CM reporter DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd, in a letter signed by managing director Mr...
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ORDS have increased their rices by an average of 4.9 per ent. The new prices mean lat a Transit 90 van will cost 1,971 and a...
,N INDUSTRIAL tribunal sitng in Newcastle upon Tyne as ruled that a haulier did not we redundancy money to an mployee who would...
NON-APPEARANCE by a one-vehicle coal merchant at a public inquiry led , to an appearance at a Transport Tribunal hearing for E....
PICKFORDS small lots service is growing up ip a big way. For Britain's largest removals company is expanding this side of its...
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BRITISH RAIL was accused of "blackmail" this week by British Road Federation chairman Mr Tony de Boer. He said that rail users...
with new roads IMPROVED consultative procedures are to be put into action by the EEC in an effort to harmonise road plans of...
Gas changes on tap WEST Midlands Gas has appointed Ron Hoare, 35, as transport manager. Mr Hoare succeeds Ron Walker, who...
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psv would disrupt operations and lead to Icreases in cost. So says the Confederation of British Road 'assenger Transport (CPT)...
JNLESS fare increases are !urbed and the Government is prepared to increase public ransport subsidies, the 'umber of passengers...
NATIONAL Bus Company operations within the Metropolitan Counties should be transferred to the PTEs, says Tyne of Wear PTE....
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A UNIFIED power system for bus use to replace the present multiplicity of air, hydraulic and electrical systems — that is one...
THE AGENCY agreement between Ribble, Burnley and Pendk and Lancashire County Council announced in CM last weel could soon be...
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N a Mk 2 version of its ,ondon Tilt for gated load iecurity on international tranport, Lawrence David Ltd, of :rowland,...
in 1977 FHE DATE by which head. amps beam-setting equipnent must be used in the MoT .est has been brought forward w two years....
A DUMMY Luton head incorporated in two demountable bodies built by SF Coachbuilders Ltd of Church Stretton for the Wholesale...
Luton tilts THIS LUTON van body on a Bedford TM chassis is one of six supplied to Kayfoam by Marsden (Coachbuilders) Ltd of...
fin appearance at the Earls Coin show in September will n( now be ready possibly uni next year. There were plans for bot ERF...
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Screw down road haulag€ by John Darker SIR RICHARD MARSH, retiring chairman of British Railways Board, is no slavish admirer...
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I read with interest the article outlining the GLC's proposals for haulage depots and cafés As the proprietor of a café. I...
I read the article on the comparative tests on Commer, Bedford and Fiat vans (CM July 2) and I was surprised by what you left...
Have you ever had the experience in London of hailing an empty taxi apparently available for hire but without the "for hire"...
the deficit That was a nice turn of phrase from Sir Richard Marsh last week, when he suggested that there was an anti-rail...
No doubt you have received many compliments on your DAF 2800 booklet. I thought it was splendid. This is exactly the kind of...
No sooner was the ink dry on the paper a few weeks ago than a bus driving rallying enthusiastic Bristolian wrote to the Ed...
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your filter — by Trevor Longcroft :IT'S SURPRISING how often air filters are neglected during the normal service routine. If...
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THE Bradbury division of T.I. Transport Equipment manufactures a comprehensive selection of lifts and jacks for both light and...
FOR JACKING applications where space is limited Felco Hoists Ltd manufactures the low-lift Mk II hydraulic jack with capacities...
VULCAN Lightweight portable hoists and jacks are marketed in the UK by Grantham Rubber Machinery Co Ltd. The completely...
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WITH LIFTING capacities from 2 tonnes (2 tons) to 10 tonnes (10.2 tons) Dunlop offers a range of trolley jacks suitable for...
NIKE HYDRAULIC offers a wide range of Swedish-made trolley and bottle-jacks, which includes a unique air/hydraulic jack with a...
THE Twinlift TW250 from ColindaleBecker is a surface mounted post lift designed for light vehicle use. Lifting capacity is 2.5...
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4 COMPLETE range of both bottle and trolley-jacks is manufactured by Weber-Hydraulic at its Braintree factory. Bottlelacks with...
KISMET offers a range of lifts suitable for light vans and -leavy commercials. Its four post model, the 2000 test lift, was...
said that I needed an hgv driving licence to drive my vehicle because its unladen weight was just over 3 tons. The plated...
the carrying of weights by men and women? Can you quote any specific legislation or requirements and is the position - fluid in...
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in tough condition MAINTAINING a fleet of 2,500 vehicles ranging from light vans to 32-ton artics is inevitably a headache....
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best engine tunes NO MATTER how good your fitters may be. tracing engine faults and tuning engines is best done with the aid of...
THE TE-205 from Blackhawk is a stand-mounted unit which incorporates two separate meters for simultaneous reading of engine...
THE exhaust gas analyser from Tunemaster takes its power from the vehicle's own electrical system so no batteries are required....
A WIDE selection of diagnostic equipment is available from Sun Tester Ltd, ranging from roller brake testers to hand-held...
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AS the name implies, Dieseltune specialises in test equipment for compression ignition engines. A comprehensive selection is...
SOURIAU makes a complete range of electronic diagnostic machines mainly for spark ignition engines. However, the Dieseltester...
HARTRIDGE mainly manufactures diesel test equipment, such as the Poptest for testing . injectors off the vehicle. However, the...
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AUTOSENSE probably manufactures the most sophisticated petrol engine test machine on the UK market. Not only does it tell the...
PROBABLY the best known name among diagnostic equipment makers in the UK, Crypton can supply engine test equipment for a...
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A RANGE of inexpensive engine - test equipment is available from Gunsons, including the well known Colortune 500. To use the...
ROBERT BOSCH offers a complete range of electronic engine test equipment including three versions of the compact Motortester...
INTENDED mainly for spark ignition engines, the Electrotest instrument is available in several sizes to suit the type of...
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We're still waiting for a simple progressive type of suspension with universal appeal WHAT the commercial vehicle industry...
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BR announces its idea of a deal with coach operators by Martin Watkins BRITISH RAIL, faced with the prospect of drastic cuts...
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A speed-cruise control is now available for trucks from Holdspeed Productions, Called the Trucker, it is an electronically...
A portable heavy-duty fan unit to extract exhaust fumes from the largest truck diesel engine has been developed by Moducel. The...
FROM anybody else but Sir Richard Marsh, the identification of an anti-rail obsession in the Government and the Department of...
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THERMOSTATS not only ,speed the warming up process, but also control the water temperature during normal operation. Another use...
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by Les Oldridge,...TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE ALL employers should make a note of the maternity, rights contained in the...