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A MEASURE of the growing popularity of trailers and semitrailers can be gained from examining the annual production figures for...
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iE Traders Road Transport Associaion has refused to withdraw its !ctions to the experimental traffic ictions which Glasgow...
I N response to requests from some of the bodies consulted, the Ministry of Transport has not pressed them for immediate...
TIIE Victoria Docks reception depot I for export smalls is not to be closed next month as intended, but is to stay open at...
D URING the six months January to June, 1962, the value of lorry thefts in the Metropolitan Police District was £354.000. ....
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1TH 50 years service to his credit, driver G. W. Cheat of British Road ices, south eastern division, has now ified for the...
the first half of this year nearly 24 cr cent more goods vehicle occupants e killed in road accidents than in the le period of...
for the graduateship examinations of the Industrial Transport Association (London division) will be held at four centres,...
1963. agreement has been reached to reduce the hours of work of British Road Services clerical staff to 38 a week. Overtime ....
is to include regulations covering pollution of the atmosphere by vehicle exhaust. The new laws will come into force when a...
and four days after the opening of the flOim. road link between Whiteinch and Linthouse under the river at Glasgow. Mr. John...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT E. Liberal party annual conference. )ntidently expected to be the last e the General Election,...
an international Press conference eld in Munich on Tuesday the ian vehicle makers. M.A.N., unced details of the latest design...
T HE Road Haulage Association is to support an appeal by one of its members, K. P. Venables. of Totteridge Road. Enfield,...
T HE forthcoming establishment of a Leyland . Light Commercial Division at the Standard-Triumph factories in Coventry was...
this week transporting the first shipment of United States Government army vehicles from Bristol Docks to Henlys Ltd.....
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. M. J. ("Mick ") Ronayne has been nted group director of engineering ic Simms Motor and Electronics )ration Ltd. Mr. Ronayne...
EN a Yorkshire car-transporter genitor obtained his first vehicle in :ategory, and then quickly applied nother to the Yorkshire...
A N application by Turnbulls Transport (Birmingham) Ltd. to transfer 10 vehicles from C hire operation to A licence was...
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Scottish Licensin g Authority on onday refused an application by on Distributors Ltd., of Broxburn, n A 1:cence for six...
Ratty Holt Tourin g cc Ltd., Blackpool, at Manchester, 'uesday, objections by seven coach dors were withdrawn. Batty Holt...
A FTER a two-day hearing in Aberdeen last week the Scottish deputy Licensin g Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie. reserved his...
D EAL1NG with an application by Ketrywyte Transport Ltd., of 23a Brenthouse Road, Hackney, London, for the substitution of five...
I Tuesday at Aberdeen the Scottish Jeputy Licensing Authority refused .pplication by Car Transport Serof Stonchaven for an...
asked the Scottish Licensin g Authority for a B licence for nine vehicles of 40+ tons to carry dry chips and bitumen macadam...
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rt A MAXIMUM-CAPACITY tractive unit with a lower unladen weight than previous models produced by this concern is announced...
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UCTIONS and increases in the ice of some Bedford models have lade recently. The reductions affect :ight-ton heavy-duty goods...
D EMONSTRATIONS were given last week of a new industrial tractor which, as announced in The Commercial Motor of August 16, is...
• MORE FLEETLINES FOR SUNDER LAND: Sunderland Corporation transport committee has recommended the purchase of six Daimler...
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EW flooring material is now being made by Vencsta tanufacturing Ltd. which will withstand a I-ton wheel g. It has been used by...
.2.W lightweight two-wheeled trailer is being manufacred by Pennyburn Engineering Ltd., Londonderry, irn Ireland. trailer...
A RANGE of plugs and sockets for trailer lighting connections has been introduced by Cannon Electric (G..B.) Ltd. The...
THE first issue of a quarterly magazine for commercial-vehicle operators has been• published by Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. Entitled...
A SMALL dry powder extinguisher suitable for tackling small localized oil, petrol or electrical fires, has been added to the...
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THERE is something so friendly about transport people I that is almost unique. An example of this was a lunch held in London on...
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major cause of black smoke, and it has therefore )een part of T.R.TA. policy to stress the need for a r and reliable...
disappointing to find so excellent a journal as The -11nercial Motor reacting as it did in a leading article "Answers Needed"...
did well to point out in your leader of July 19 e savage and ludicrous legal decisions which could from Mr. Marples latest...
commercial vehicles and during our many and varied journeys over the country we do on occasion find old and Interesting motors....
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WRITES Security is an attitude of mind' I N a single train robbery, if the estimated loss of £.21 m. is correct, a gang of...
Why are not all operators equally careful? Some of them still have the ruinous fatalistic attitude that it cannot happen to...
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A PROGRESS REPORT by Norman H. Tilsiey THAT is going on in the car transporter industry? I Almost every week the news pages of...
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grant to McKelvie, the Authority said that from the start of the Linwood development he bad made it clear that as far as he...
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Manufacturers of British Trailers and Semi-trailers Soden Trailers Ltd., Royton, Oldham, Lanes. NDARD, single-aXle...
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flavor& Can we start with what seems to be rather a vexed question, that of matching tractive units to semi-trailers? The...
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several alternatives in specification ed. The tractive unit is designed for a gross ght of 15 tons, and is designated Thames...
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John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A FUEL-CONSUMPTION rate that would put to shame many 20-ton-gross vehicles is one of the more...
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IN becoming Lorry Driver of the Year . 1 for 1962, Cpl. D. M. Readman, of R.A.F. Gaydon, was the first man ever to retain the...
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the car owner a trailer is often regarded as an afterought to meet temporary or unscheduled circumstances. nd because of its...