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A L THOUGH the numher of operators of passenger vehicles is declining, the latest statistics show increases in revenue, vehicle...
F ROM Press reports of the new road-safety propaganda film, "Death on the Road," which is being sponsored by the Ministry of...
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Street Over Street it i TucH interest has been and Road Over IVIaroused in Fulham and Railway elsewhere by our article, pub...
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Of streconscientious objectors. That road haulage should be a privileged industry, 'Lavin, been built up, in the main, by...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by cill difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
D URING the quarter ended September 30, 1935, there were 2,581,027 licences current for mechanically propelled road vehicles,...
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Hull Transport Committee has appointed MR. .1. LAWSON. now chief assistant, as transport manager. Manchester Public Assistance...
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T HE basis upon which a haulier is allowed an additional vehicle and the extent to which he should resort to hiring from the...
S ECTION 11 (3) (b) of the 1933 Act has not been satisfied, said Mr. B. de H. Pereira, in an appeal by the L.N.E. Ilailway Co....
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Further discontent with the working of the North-Western Conciliation Beard was expressed at a C.M.U.A. meeting at Warrington,...
1933 Act Blunder: Tribute to "C.M." A TRIBUTE to the vigilance of The Commercial Motor in bringing to light the flaw in...
MEETING of the South Wales Pi branch of the C.M.U.A„ which now incorporates the Motor Omnibus Proprietors Association, was...
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T 00 much latitude is being given to the railways in the matter of objections, said Mr.' R. W. Sewill, national director of...
" 'THE ignorance on transport 1 matters displayed by some candidates of all parties, who were interviewed during the General...
A vigorous move is being made by the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners Association and the C.M.U.A. (South-East Lanes area) in...
THAT over 83 per cent , of rail traffic 1 was carried at uneconomic rates was the contention expressed by Mr. S. A. Macadam,...
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p ROVINCIAL towns and cities doubtless experience peak-load passenger-transport problems of some magnitude, but they do not...
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A BETTER understanding between employers and employees in the road-passenger.transport industry is urgently needed. Disturbing...
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M OTHER and her tall daughter were sitting together on one of the cross-wise seats of a bus. 'It is wonderful what a...
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IMPROVE Bus DESIGN By L. A. Poole, M.1.A.E. I N the design and development of the passenger vehicle to suit modern...
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the questionnaire recently issued by the Association of British Chambers of Commercia the Railways and Transport Ccmmittee and...
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I N a review of the road-transport de velopments of the Great Western Railway Co. during 1935, it is mentioned that the tonnage...
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WILL SUPPORT A SUITABLE AMENDMENT. I F an opportunity occurs, I would certainly support an amendment curtailing the railway...
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B Y reference to the compendium of passenger chassis printed below, much useful information concerning any model now offered in...
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SCANDINAVIAN DETAILS SETTLED. W HEN Major J. R. McCrindle, managing director of British Airways, Ltd., was in Scandinavia, a...
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I T is impossible, in a relatively short article, fully to cover the technical features of such a combination of . engineering...
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In his report for 1934-35, Warwick county surveyor says that 102,444 tons of material was hauled by hired piecework, at...
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IMPORTA 'qr1 -9 PASSENGER FLEET I T is always interesting to compare the maintenance methods employed by various operators....
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A FLOURISHING BUSINESS IN A SMALL TOWN. MHITCHURCH (Salop), a town of W 6,000 inhabitants in an agricultural district, is...
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Rates for Road-Rail Excursions, " Anywhere " and Tourist Tickets, Less-than-Summation Fares, "Returns on Express Services, and...
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O NE of the foremost questions facing the road-passenger-transport„, hid ustry to-day is: " What is to he the fate of the...
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E . NGINEERS, especially those employed in development work, can be divided into two classes—those who are sound but orthodox,...
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New Ford Tester that Can Detect Almost Any Fault that Can Affect Engine Performance T HE well-known Ford ideal of providing...
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and QUERIES THE BITER BITTEN. [4738] Unconscious humour such as is provided by the enclosed letter which was recently...
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• nI3JECTIONS by George Ewer and ‘.../Co., Ltd., by the restrictive agency policy of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., terminated,...
T HE interim injunction granted on January 8 by Lord Wark, in the petition brought in the Court of Session by W. Alexander and...
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O N Monday, Merseyside Co-ordination Committee decided to appoint a committee, with powers to engage a technical expert, to...
O PPOSITION to several trolleybus 1/4/plans is announced. Lanes County Council has decided to lodge a petition against...
A NEW cOmpany, entitled Premier Pi Travel, Ltd., High Street, Harston, Cambridgeshire, has, The Commercial Motor is officially...
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r um our some weeks there has been a • umour current • that Fleetways. Ltd., had sold out to a combine company, but The...
AST week,: the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners summoned A. Timpson and Sons, Ltd., and Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., to...
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T O form deductions from a collection of data relating to the road performances of vehicles, it is desirable first to consider...
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T HE next Commercial Motor Exhibition will be held in new accommodation at Earl's Court, London, S.W.5, from November 4-12,...
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E XACTLY a year ago, in the issue of The Commeecia/ Motor dated February 8, there was included an artic le which showed: that,...
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0 PROVED I N endeavouring to demonstrate the futility of overloading, I have frequently had to Point out that my greatest...
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F ROM Tatra-Works, Ltd., Prague, Czechoslovakia, comes patent No. 490,204, describing a driving unit complete in itself, and...