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A LTHOUGH tyre fires are rare, their results can be disastrous. It is, therefore, essential that operators and drivers,...
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T HE road-test report this week describes a 706-mile trial, from Luton to Edinburgh and back to Luton, in 20f hours. Apart from...
Red Rag to a Reporter THE U.S.S.R.'s touchiness is not confined to inter' national politics. There was evidence of it at the...
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That this exhaust-fume business is raising a bit of a stink. Little about windscreen-washers for commercial vehicles. That...
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O NLY 19 units with premises (253 vehicles) out of 96 (1,452 vehicles) offered in List RI have so far been sold. The highest...
T ROLLEYBUSES in London are to I be replaced by motorbuses. beginning in about three years' time. There are today 64 trolleybus...
" F OR years we have made more 1 profit out of economies than out of increased revenue," said Mr. R. W. Birch, chairman of the...
F OLLOW1NG an appeal by the Midland Gerreral Omnibus Co., Ltd.. the Minister of Transport has revoked the licence granted to...
Commer oil VT engine in London this week, Sir Reginald Rootes mentioned that it is to be built in the Tilling-Stevens works at...
THE Blackpool conference of the Public Transport Association which takes place from May 18-20 promises to be interesting and...
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T HE Ministry of Transport have circulated their preliminary views on the recommendations of the Thesiger Committee to the...
WE. much regret to announce the VT death of MR. W. EWART GUY on May 2 at, the age of 60. He was a director of Guy Motors, Ltd.,...
T HE response to the proposal . to , form a new, £150,000 co-operative enterprise to succeed the. Meat Transport Organization,...
T HE Dunstable ' plant of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd:, is to bc. extended at a cost of £2m. The new' premises, which will cover...
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CLLR. F. BIDSTON is to resign his chairmanship of Liverpool Transport Committee for health reasons. SIR GRAHAM CUNNINGHAM has...
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WAGE :awards have added a sub VV to the paybill of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., and might entail a further revision...
T HE. difference between passenger fares in London and those in the provinces will be emphasized still further if the British...
IN addition to the normal Avenger 1 passenger chassis, Comer Cars, Ltd., Luton, have introduced a 17-ft. 6-in.wheelbase version...
A T Westminster County Court last week Judge Dale criticized the type of contract which the British Transport Commission...
F OLLOWING complaints from coach operators about the effect of newly repaired roads on their vehicles, Newport (I.W.) Borough...
.1 -1 A MOTION that old-age pensioners should pay a flat penny fare on the city's trolleybuses has been rejected by Newcastle...
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T HE Minister of Transport stated in the House of Commons last week that it seemed to him hi g hly desirable that experiments...
THE reason why the Government will not consider reducin g the tax on oil fuel was g iven by the PaymasterGeneral. Lord Selkirk...
F INES and costs amountin g to £393 have been imposed upon R.A.H. Transporters, Ltd., Newcastle-uponTyne, at Newcastle for c...
T HE Indian Government have approved the programme of Asoka Motors for the manufacture of the Leyland Comet in that country....
T HE Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents have planned a children's hi g hway safety campai g n to last throu g h the...
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THE National Chamber of Trade annual conference at Margate on Monday, adopted a resolution which asked the Ministry of...
of the Western Welsh VI` Omnibus Co., Ltd., recently had o run up on the kerb to pass a tradesnan's van parked in a narrow...
SUGGESTION is to be made to ls the national council of the Road iulage Association that a group ould be formed for carriers of...
IMITEDcover for exports to Brazil is to be resumed by the Export slits Guarantee Department, the vernment department providing...
the south and the West Country are suggested to private-party organizers in a brochure issued by Charlie's Cars (Bournemouth),...
T HE establishment of an independent motor industry in Israel was economically feasible, Mr. E. Illin, general manager of the...
D URING the past six months the Minister of Labour has 1pt the question of raising the 20-m.p.h.. limit under review in...
I - 1 A HAULIER was fined £10 at Birkenhead last week for using a vehicle without a carrier's licence. and £10 for using a...
of Materials Handling was held at Didcot last week. Demonstrations _ were 'arranged by I.T.D., Ltd., and Lansing Bagnall, Ltd.,...
A LTHOUGH Lincoln Transport Department carried fewer passengers in the financial year just ended than in the previous 12...
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W HEN Mr. J. E. Sisson applied to the East Midland Licensing Authority, last week, for permission to operate a service for...
Wagon Co., Ltd., Completed at their bus bodybuilding factory two large contracts for Olympic vehic'es for Argentina. and...
A CENSUS taken recently showed that between 5 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. 4442 outward journeys carrying 129.202 passengers from the...
T HE West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority has granted Mr. L. F. Bowen, Ward End, Birmingham, a licence to operate a 37-seat...
new B.M.C. 3.4litre oil engine are as follows: chassis with scuttle £647; chassis and cab £727; lorry £784. Purchase tax at...
T HE Labour Party's threat to restrict C-licence operations in their recently issued policy on road transport was referred to...
are plans to start a ferry service between Rotterdam and England to carry loaded lorries in both directions. Farm and dairy...
NAOUNTING congestion and overIV1 strained and inadequate storage facilities were caused in part by the failure of the haulage...
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A PPEALS by three operators against the grant of permission to Harper Bros. - (Heath Hayes), Ltd., by the West Midland...
THE 1954 edition of the Repertoire des Entreprises de Transports Routiers Tottristiques, which has just been published, is of...
IFORMATION was published last week about the results of a sample vey of road goods transport carried by the Ministry of...
T HE requirements of a planned new road were outlined by Mr. Hugh Molson, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of...
A N improved electrode for use in the • argon-are welding process, is announced by Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Waltham...
R ADIATOR roller blinds can be supplied by the Key Leather Co., Ltd., 5 Urswick Road, London, E.9, for the following types of...
\XIE hope in the next 12 months to double our fleet and put on better types of vehicle," said Mr. Tom Venn, managing director...
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A RECORD number of overseas buyers is visiting the hardware section of the British Industries Fair at Castle Bromwich this...
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4 venger Coach with Commer Opposed-piston 7i1 Engine is Tried Over a Typical Coach rour Route : Engine is Valveless Two-stroke...
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The Degree of Liability on the Part of Persons Held Responsible For Motor Accidents by Our Legal Correspondent W HEN a road...
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F OLLOWING the present trend towards the use of oil engines in chassis originally designed for petrol units, Ford and Slater,...
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Front-mounted Underfloor Engines a Favoured Type • for Coaches : Two-cylindered Two-stroke Oil Engines Featured in Light...
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Hybrid Cultivation By JANUS L ONG before the Disposal Board have given up hope, various official and unofficial consultants...
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P ERHAPS I may be permitted to comment on the article on meat haulage by" Matador " in your issue dated April 23. It should be...
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A Haulier Should Not Forfeit Part of His Legitimate Earnings For the Sake of Gaining Work : Rate-cutting is Particularly Rife...
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EFORE it is possible to ute a Perkins P6 oil engine in a Canadian-built Ford 4 x 4 vehicle, it is necessary employ a crank...
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A GAS-TURBINED road vehicle is 1— k shown in patent No. 706,070 (Fiat Societa per Azioni, 300 Corso IV Novembre, Turin, Italy)....