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Only 20 0 /0 Of R1 Units With Premises Sold So Far
O NLY 19 units with premises (253 vehicles) out of 96 (1,452 vehicles) offered in List RI have so far been sold. The highest tender was accepted for each of these. This was......
London Trolleybuses To Go
T ROLLEYBUSES in London are to I be replaced by motorbuses. beginning in about three years' time. There are today 64 trolleybus services with 253 miles of route; 750m.......
Profits Out Of Cuts
" F OR years we have made more 1 profit out of economies than out of increased revenue," said Mr. R. W. Birch, chairman of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., in......
Barton's Licence Revoked
F OLLOW1NG an appeal by the Midland Gerreral Omnibus Co., Ltd.. the Minister of Transport has revoked the licence granted to Barton Transport. Ltd., permitting them to operate a......
Commer Engine To Be Made At Maidstone When Announcing The
Commer oil VT engine in London this week, Sir Reginald Rootes mentioned that it is to be built in the Tilling-Stevens works at Maidstone. New machine tools and assembly lines......
P.t.a. Conference Programme
THE Blackpool conference of the Public Transport Association which takes place from May 18-20 promises to be interesting and varied in respect of both its papers and visits. A......