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Small Man's Price " Irresponsible"?
W HEN Mr. J. E. Sisson applied to the East Midland Licensing Authority, last week, for permission to operate a service for workers between Nottingham and Boughton Ordnance......
Fall In Body Orders Ast Year The Metropolitan-cammell...
Wagon Co., Ltd., Completed at their bus bodybuilding factory two large contracts for Olympic vehic'es for Argentina. and continued the production of bodies for the London......
Bradford Buses Make 4,642 Outward Journeys A Day
A CENSUS taken recently showed that between 5 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. 4442 outward journeys carrying 129.202 passengers from the central area of Bradford were made by motorbuses and......
Once A Week To Tenby
T HE West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority has granted Mr. L. F. Bowen, Ward End, Birmingham, a licence to operate a 37-seat coach once a week to Tenby during July and August.......
Morris-commercial Price Dimes Of The Morris-commercial 1...
new B.M.C. 3.4litre oil engine are as follows: chassis with scuttle £647; chassis and cab £727; lorry £784. Purchase tax at £129 14s. 10d. is additional to these costs.......
T.r.t.a. Will Fight Threat
T HE Labour Party's threat to restrict C-licence operations in their recently issued policy on road transport was referred to by Mr. E. Wood, chairman of the Eastern Area of the......
Ferry To Rotterdam Soon? I T Is Understood That There
are plans to start a ferry service between Rotterdam and England to carry loaded lorries in both directions. Farm and dairy produce can, it is felt, be moved from Dutch farms to......
Hull Docks : Inadequate Haulage?
NAOUNTING congestion and overIV1 strained and inadequate storage facilities were caused in part by the failure of the haulage industry to cope with the increasing volume of......