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Crush-loader Tests " Desirable "
T HE Minister of Transport stated in the House of Commons last week that it seemed to him hi g hly desirable that experiments should be made with buses desi g ned to carry a hi......
Why No Cut In Oil Fuel Tax
THE reason why the Government will not consider reducin g the tax on oil fuel was g iven by the PaymasterGeneral. Lord Selkirk in the House of Lords last week. Lord Teynham......
R.a.h. Transporters Fined Heavily
F INES and costs amountin g to £393 have been imposed upon R.A.H. Transporters, Ltd., Newcastle-uponTyne, at Newcastle for c arryin g fish and fruit beyond 25 miles, also for......
Leylands To Be Built In India
T HE Indian Government have approved the programme of Asoka Motors for the manufacture of the Leyland Comet in that country. The Ti g er Cub li g htwei g ht bus will also be......
Child Safety Campaign
T HE Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents have planned a children's hi g hway safety campai g n to last throu g h the late summer months. Appeals will be made to all......