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T HERE is always the tendency for one's sympathies to go out to the British engineer, domiciled in an Australian or New Zealand...
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O NE of the recommendations of the Committee of Representatives of Police Forces and of Road Users, which reported last March,...
I T is by no means an uncommon experience for L us, when inquiring into the uses to which some particular fleet of vehicles is...
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A lot of strange things in service stations. That tramlines can be usefulâin a fog. That grease guns should be fired...
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It is tare to find Lord Ashfield, the chairman of the board of directors of the London General Omnibus Co., in a lugubrious...
Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, advise us that they have just received a repeat order for...
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Foundry Lane, Soho, Birmingham, draw attention to the fact that the current prices of the Morris...
The management of the Crystal Palace announces that an International Oil Exhibition will he held there from April 21st to May...
The annual general meeting of Dennis Bros., Ltd., was held in London a few days ago, when Mr. N. P. Andrew, chairman of the...
A. National Transport Congress is to be held in Dublin on December 35th and 16th, and from replies which the organizers have...
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A conference was recently held at the House of Commons for the purpose of discussing the tree-planting powers now conferred...
Much interest was aroused amongst visitors to the recent Shipping and Engineering Exhibition concerning the means of transport...
a fleet _ of Dodge Brothers single-deck buses has lately been put in service in the Arvika. district. The bodies were built...
The London County Council has decided, after careful consideration, to make application to the Minister of Transport, under...
General Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, recently entered a Chevrolet 1-ton van under the open competition rules...
The tramways committee of the Morecambe Corporation recommends the engagement of a consulting tram and bua manager to report on...
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Our issue last week made reference to the dividends which are being paid by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the year...
⢠In our last Vieek's issue we mentioned that Nottingham Corporation had decided upon the adoption of trolley-buses in...
The Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, Southwark, London, SEA, have just issued a new booklet dealing with...
Many large concerns find the gravity Conveyor of considerable use for loading their motor vehicles, and several of the types...
The Karrier tower wagon which is illustrated en this page has recently been shipped to Johannesburg by Karrier Motors, Ltd.,...
By arrangement with the Ministry of Transport, every comniercial vehicle driver when applying for a licence or for the renewal...
Rotax (Motor, Accessories), Ltd., Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10, inform us that they have added the names of the following...
The . Federation of -National industries in Madrid has asked the Spanish Government to insist ⢠that motor vehicles used for...
of the British Acetylene and Welding Association will be held at the Old Colony Club, Aldwych, Loudon, W.C.1, tomorrow,...
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With regard to an inqury held at Bolton by the Ministry of Transport into the appeal of Messrs. J. E. Loynds against the...
A petrol can holder, in which the tin is held down to the running board by springs and thereby secured against rattle, and...
The annual meeting of the Eastern Counties Road Car Co., Ltd., was held a few days ago, when details of the company's...
The Birmingham Watch Committee has recently prepared a report showing the number of casualties incidental to street traffic in...
Dealing with the future of the road motor vehicle at a meeting of the members of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts in...
Prom official information we learn that the number of complete commercial motor vehicles, including motorbuses, motor...
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Marlborough Corporation is considering the purchase of a motor fireengine. Spilsby Rural District Council has purchased a...
Birkenhead Town Council is to consider a motion for the purchase of 13 more motorbuses. The tramways manager has reported as to...
Messrs. Joseph Bradbury, New Street Works, Braintree, Essex, have just issued their 1926 catalogue dealing with a range of...
Amongst the contracts given out by Government departments during October last were the following :âBy the Admiralty, to the...
At a meeting of the Morecambe Corporation the town clerk read correspondence which he had had with other authorities respecting...
With the object of investigating the capabilities of roadless vehicles in East Africa, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., are...
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Inciting Employees to Exceed Speed Limit. Taxicab Fares. Weights and Types of Tyres on Unclassified Roads. The Road Fund :...
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The Preparations of the Government for Providing Means of Communication Should an Industrial Strike Occur in May Next. ' â¢...
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Leading Features in German Des - gn; Rigid-frame Six-wheelers; Low Frame Levels ; Six-cylinder Engines ; Four-wheel Brakes ;...
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Points in the Discussion of an Important Paper Read Before the Institution of Automobile Engineers. I N the issue of The...
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Details of the System Employed in Many American Cities in Which Transport Vehicles are Hired for the Work of Circulating the...
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JRTANT GAS COMPANY. I T will certainly come as a surprise to many readers of The Commercial Motor to learn that the operations...
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A paper entitled " Sleeve-vah e-engine Developments" is to be read by Mr. W. Verrier Brown before the various centres of the...
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The Variety of Operating Mechanism in Vogue at the Present Time. Servo Methods of Brake Application. A LTHOUGH diverse...
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T10 insurance companies were writing I policies on the lives of motor lorries, they would have to leave out of their...
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Brief Details of One of the Latest Dennis Vehicles which Is Being Employed to an Increasing Extent in Municipal Service. MHE...
The Policy of the Sheffield Corporation with Regard to the Use of Road Motors for Passenger Service. R EPORTING on the subject...
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A Municipal Bus Organization which is Providing Remunerative Results, with Details of the Past Year's Working of the System....
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Morning Delivery of Bread . to Over One Hundred Shops, Difficult Moorland Journeys: TO Kn ,FP over a hundred branch shops...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. TN THIS series of hints...
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Economies in Vehicle Usage. Planning Work for Efficient Maintenance. O N the opening day of the Commercial Motor Exhibition...
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Arousing Interest in a Transport Operation by Means of a Working Model. M ODELS are not always suitable for display at such a...
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The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [24261 Sir,âI was very interested to see in the issue of The Commercial Motor for...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [24271 Sir,âThere at present appears to be a certain desire on the part of some...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2428] Sir,âWill you kindly allow me to forestall a possible misapprehension as to the...
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Ideas Advanced by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers in Connection with the Use and Maintenance of Steam Vehicles. lUTECHANICS in...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. MHE Bcndix Brake Co., of Chicago, 1. in their patent specification No....