8th December 1925, Page 30
8th December 1925
Page 30

Page 30, 8th December 1925
British Bus Chassis In New Zealand.
The Editor, TEE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [24261 Sir,—I was very interested to see in the issue of The Commercial Motor for September 8th an article giving an Australian's views on......
The Composite Bus And Motor Coach.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [24271 Sir,—There at present appears to be a certain desire on the part of some manufacturers to place an the market a type of composite......
The 30-cwt. H.i.c. Truck (trailer).
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2428] Sir,—Will you kindly allow me to forestall a possible misapprehension as to the price of the above ' vehicle that may arise in the minds......