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Thornycroft Progress.
Our issue last week made reference to the dividends which are being paid by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the year ended July 31st last, and we have now received a copy......
Nottingham Buying Rai/less Buses.
• In our last Vieek's issue we mentioned that Nottingham Corporation had decided upon the adoption of trolley-buses in certain areas in the city, and we now learn that RaiHess.......
Laystall Repair Work.
The Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, Southwark, London, SEA, have just issued a new booklet dealing with special motor repairs by their processes, which......
A Booklet On Gravity Conveyors.
Many large concerns find the gravity Conveyor of considerable use for loading their motor vehicles, and several of the types which are produced by Herbert Morris, Ltd.,. of......
A Tower Wages /or South Africa.
The Karrier tower wagon which is illustrated en this page has recently been shipped to Johannesburg by Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield, for use by the......
"safety First" Propaganda.
By arrangement with the Ministry of Transport, every comniercial vehicle driver when applying for a licence or for the renewal of a licence will in future be supplied, free,......
Rotax Battery Agents.
Rotax (Motor, Accessories), Ltd., Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10, inform us that they have added the names of the following companies to their list of battery agents in......
Spain Wants Spanish Vehicles.
The . Federation of -National industries in Madrid has asked the Spanish Government to insist • that motor vehicles used for public road transport be exclusively Constructed in......
A Paper On Oxy-acetylene Welding, A Meeting Of The Members
of the British Acetylene and Welding Association will be held at the Old Colony Club, Aldwych, Loudon, W.C.1, tomorrow, December Oth, at S p.m., when a paper entitled "A Review......