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The L.g.o.c. Staff Dinner.
It is tare to find Lord Ashfield, the chairman of the board of directors of the London General Omnibus Co., in a lugubrious mood when occupying the chair at a staff function,......
Bristol Repeat Orders.
Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, advise us that they have just received a repeat order for five of their 4-ton chassis from Sholl-Mex, Ltd.,......
Morris Van And Lorry Prices.
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Foundry Lane, Soho, Birmingham, draw attention to the fact that the current prices of the Morris truck and van were based on tyre costs ruling at......
An International Oil Exhibition.
The management of the Crystal Palace announces that an International Oil Exhibition will he held there from April 21st to May 8th, 1926. For this purpose the whole of the main......
Dennis's Successful Year.
The annual general meeting of Dennis Bros., Ltd., was held in London a few days ago, when Mr. N. P. Andrew, chairman of the company, pre-sided. The profit of the company during......
A Transport Congress In Dublin.
A. National Transport Congress is to be held in Dublin on December 35th and 16th, and from replies which the organizers have received to invitations issued to local authorities......