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A FTER four years of operation under the restrictions imposed by the Road Traffic Act, 1930, it is possible to analyse more...
HE bodies and internal equipment of modern 1 coaches and buses have been brought to a high standard of excellence. Has the...
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A S an indication of the increasing popularity of allmetal bodies, we were interested to hear, in conversation with Mr....
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Grumbles against price-cutting manufacturers. Growls about over-generous part-payment allow ances. That there are too in.iny...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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"VENDERS are invited by the toliewing (latest, -Idates given in parentheses): -Ealing for cement, bricks, granite drippings and...
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A SIGNIFICANT statement-, which 1 - t suggested that the amalgamation of the Road Haulage Association and the Commercial Motor...
T HE Court f . Appeal gave judgment, on January 31:all - Owing the appeal by the West • Midland: Licensing Authority, Col.' A.....
T HE Appeal Tribunal, at a sitting last week, granted art application by the Southern Railway Co. for an award of 2s. costs...
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ZY Portrayed by Official Statistics place tramways for the benefit of the community at large." Mr. Bright thought that...
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Joint Road-transport Publicity Effort. An excellent composite page dealing with road transport appeared in The Manchester...
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[the. INDUSTRY The Urgent Need for Unity of Action. The Limitation of Duplication of Long-distance Coaches. Ticket...
O NE of the most pressing needs of the industry is unity. There is a regrettable division of opinion and action betweenthe...
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A N interestin g development of the past year or so has been the introduction by the railways and their associated...
F ARESways always have, and, perhaps, al will, constitute the g reatest problem of the coach and bus operator. The accountancy...
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in the SouthEastern Area so different from those in other areas that the issue of single and period-return tickets on seasonal...
T HE limitation of the duplication of iong-distance coaches strikes at the very foundation upon which that branch of the...
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In Parliament By our Special Parliamentary Correspondent WARNING OF PROSECUTION WITHIN 14 DAYS. IN theHouse of Commons, Vice...
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I T is always a difficult matter to prophesy, and the prophet is, frequently, not respected in his own , country. It was,...
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A Legal Authority Gives his Views on Punishment for Motoring Offences and Offers Valuable Suggestions QOME years ago a...
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I T is customary to extol the tram car as being the passenger vehicle which is, above all others, the most economical when...
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I N area, Germany is twice as large as the United Kingdom, whilst the railway system is approtimately one-anda-half times...
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An Expert Deals with the Claims of Oak, Ash and Other Woods, as Framing Materials for Coaches and Buses. Features of Some...
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The Increasing Demand for AU-metal Coachwork Merits This Brief Survey of Recent Methods of Construction T HE improvements...
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UNORTHODO 'D ESPITE official opposition the call for speed will have to be answered, with faster vehicles, even if it becomes...
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REGENERATIVE BRAKING A Simple Explanation of the System Employed on Trolleybuses by which the Work Done in Retardation is...
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The Gugrnar 8-1 0-cwt. Threewheeled Van Chassis Has a Tubular Frame and the Engine is Mounted at the Rear A NEW and interesting...
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O NE of the most populous industrial areas in the country to have entirely discarded tramways is Tees-side, comprising...
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T HE South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners have modified the ticket restrictions imposed on the United Service Transport Co.,...
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T HE primary object in designing any passenger-vehicle should be passenger comfort. The modern coach or bus chassis has...
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COACH OPERATION IN FRANCE The Country Covered by a Network of Services. Room for Improvement in Pro v in c i al Bus Opera ....
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A S already mentioned in The Commercial Motor, the construction of the great new motor roads in Germany is influencing the...
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A Symposium of the Views of Some of the General Managers of Leading Municipal Undertakings, in which the Op inions Expressed...
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of Express LiQervices T HE operator who sets out to run a coaching business, particularly one concerned solely with regular...
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Co-ordination at York O NE of the most interesting schemes of transport co-ordination inaugurated in recent years is that at...
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T HE vital necessity of cheap and efficient transport was stressed by Sir Henry Jackson, MP., at a luncheon of the Industrial...
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I T is reported that Maidstone and District Motor Services. Ltd., has taken over the business of Redcar Services, Ltd.,...
W E are able to announce that the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., Harrogate, has taken over the passenger side of the...
R EFERENCE to "the crippling taxation which the industry is called upon to bear" was made by Sir William J. Thomson, Lord...
A S exclusively forecast in The Commercial Mobs', last week, an important meeting to consider the . variation of...
T "report of Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1934, shows a profit of £276,877,...
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A HEARING that occupied several hours followed a somewhat late start, on Thursday of last Week, when the North-Western Traffic...
I N view of the fact that many opera tors wish to have new vehicles inspected, with a minimum of delay, for certificates of...
, Q0ME little anxiety as to the position Oof Dundee's transport system has been prevalent since the transport coinrnittee's...
A FURTHER stage in the dispute riconcerning the operation of private buses through central streets in Glasgow was entered upon,...
'-1•Road Car Co., Ltd., NV, K. Dobbs and t•Sons,-. and : Mr. CharlesWilson, against the variation of the, conditions of...
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wiE understand that George Ewer VV and Co., Ltd., and Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd., the well-known London independent...
A N interesting. point concerning a temporary agreement between Nottingham Corporation and the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd.,...
T HE valuable work carried out by the Associated North Staffordshire Motorbus 'Proprietors, Ltd., in coordinating the local...
IT is understood that the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner has decided to delete, during the winter months, the day service of...
N MINE important coaching companies were represented at the annual ball of Black and White Motorways, Ltd., at Cheltenham, last...
T " proposal of Merthyr Tydfil Corporation to acquire from Merthyr Electric Traction Co., Ltd., the local tramways, to convert...
A N application that was described by the chairman of the NorthWestern Traffic Cornmisgioners (Mr. W. Chamberlain) as being on...
T HE protection afforded to Bradford Corporation in the fixing of fares on bus services was discussed during the hearing of an...
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D URING recent years inter-urban road services in Italy have undergone widespread development. The increase of bus traffic,...
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for semi-trailers Brief Details of a Short-wheelbase Machine for Use with Proprietary Semitrailers of 5-6 Tons Pay-load...
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• NEW I.o.M. MAIL SERVICE. T HE opening, on February 1, of the daily air-mail service (not Sundays) between Liverpool arid the...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that have Recently been' Published A LAYOUT for a vehicle driving and Jr1.steering on all...