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A TUG OF WAR is developing between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Board of Trade,on. the one hand, and the Minister of...
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T RANSPORT associations and institutes and 1 road-safety committees have about a month to decide what part they are willing to...
Arms and the Man HANDSOME though it is, we cannot help feeling that a certain element of punning humour crept into the design...
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That most Atnerican articulated vehicles have antijack-knifing stabilizers. ..1 - hat hydraulic power ,straightens many a bent...
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P ROVINCIAL company and municipal bus operators face an increase of £7m. a year in wages as a result of the pay settlements...
T HE British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., have acquired a controlling interest in Hill-Motorways, Ltd., the parent company of...
T HE report of the Monopolies Commission on the supply and export of tyres is published today.
no further list of I vehicles of British Road Services has yet been planned. The half-yearly report of the Road Haulage...
LONDON TRANSPORTS minimum LA fare, which has not altered since 1952. is to be raised from 2d. to 21d. on December 18. This is...
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T HE Minister of Transport faces grave difficulties this week over the Government's policy to allow British Road Services to...
T HE Western Licensing Authority on Monday advised an applicant to withdraw his ease after evidence had been given that a...
A COMMUNAL business radio system, the first users of which are the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., and the Rootes Group, was opened...
A SHARP exchange occurred between the Western Licensing Authority and . Mr. G. McMurtrie, representing five objectors, on...
THE; Road Haulage • Wages . Coun:il will meet in London on January 12 to hear the claim of the employees' side for a...
n WNERS of •goods vehicles . will not have the advantage of the option of a deferred test, which is to be given to car drivers...
T HE need for the proper employment of the country's resources was stressed at Manchester on Tuesday, when he Institute of ....
T HE Government were not losing sight of the question of raising the 20 m.p.h.. limit on heavy goads vehicles, said the Earl of...
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MR. L. SMITH, formerly works manager, fias been appointed industrial relations officer of the Daimler Co., Ltd. • MR. T. M....
KIEGOTIATIONS for the sale of I 1 about 100 unlicensed tippers owned by E. E. Bamford (Contractors), Ltd., Alfreton, are...
D ESPITE strong objections by Pickfords Heavy Haulage Service, British Railways and Contractors (Transport). Ltd:, the North...
M EMBERS of the National Council of the Road Haulage Association last week expressed unanimous support for the action taken...
( ) A VER 1,000 employees who have N.-I given a total of 36,719 years' service to the Rootes Group met at celebration dinners...
THIS year's Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecture of the Institute of Transport will be delivered at 5.45 p.m. on Monday at 66...
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THE Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, walked out -I of the annual dinner of the York Sub-area of the Road...
TT is understood that a large number of I municipal transport undertakings is to support the B.E.T. and Tilling cons' panics in...
T ALKS should be held with a view to • the early provision of a bus station and coach park at the, back of Bridlington, Clir....
W HEN the House of Commons last week discussed the growing volume of noise associated with modern civilization, Mr. R. Gresham...
A SPECIALIST organization should f""L undertake the transport work of the Co-operative movement, suggested Mr. R. McCuteheon,...
F INES totalling £36 have been imposed on a haulier by York magistrates for exceeding the 10-mile radius stipulated by his B...
THE date of the British Coach Rally 1 has been altered. It Will now be .held froart April 21-22, at Brighton. Goodwood motor...
WORKERS' cheap fares charged by VV Newcastle Transport Departmentwere formally abolished last week by the Northern•Licensing...
T HE' practice of long-distance lorry drivers sleeping in their cabs and pocketing subsistence allowances was condemned at...
F INES totalling £56 and £28 10s. costs have been imposed on }Tenet. Walling, Strickland Tenement, Crosthwaite, Kendal, by...
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p ENRITH magistrates last week heard a case against a driver charged sVith obtaining by false pretences 7611 gallons of petrol...
rtiVER Christmas the frequency of the new coach-air service from this country to Paris is to be quadrupled. This is to meet...
rA A NEW club and institute for employees of Cardiff Transport Department was opened last week. The premises, which cost...
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. FRANCIS HERON ROGERS and MR. JOSEPH TAMEN. Mr. Rogers was a director of StreamLine...
THE most frequent cause of accidents involving public-service vehicles in 1454 was sudden stopping. In the case of light goods...
for the 2.000 women employees of Birmingham Transport Department has been submitted to the corporation by the local branch of...
C LOSER liaison between traffic managers, production managers and hauliers would help to control rising transport costs, said...
rt A NEW method of installing lubricating and associated plant in garages to achieve a smart appearance has been evolved by...
D ESPITE opposition from Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd.., and British Railways, Primrose Motors. Ltd., Scunthorpe, were last...
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S IX of the eight applications for authorization to vary his express service licences, made by Mr. E. G. Hewitt (Premier...
A A FACTORY to make oil engines is to be built in Israel by Sold l Boneh, Ltd., a co-operative enterprise, together with...
IF the charges scheme of the Transport Tribunal were given effect, the British Transport Commission would possess a...
CAN a 15-year-old boy be a haulier? . Sheffield magistrates asked this . question _last week. • The youth .was described as a...
A STRONG protest to. the. London rA Transport Executive against the future introduction of oil-,engined buses to replace...
T HE. West Midland . Licensing Authority last week granted authority to Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., to run an express...
THE Working Party on Tariffs of the 1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe have asked the E.C.E. Secretariat and a...
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A N order for 125 Octopuses has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by British Road Services. Some 600 of these vehicles are...
T HE prevalence of false claims for subsistence allowances Was worrying British Road Services, stated Mr. L. A. Walne before...
A FULLY illustrated catalogue in five languages, containing details of their special-purpose vehicles, has been produced by...
T HE fleet of the Madras State bus transport undertaking rose from 381 to 402 in 1954-55. Twenty-five new Leyland Royal Tigers...
rt A COMMITTEE of inquiry has cleared Mr. A. Burton, general • manager of West Hartlepool Transport Department, of charges of...
B US enthusiasts will be interested to learn that a history of the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and that company's...
A RECENT addition to the literature dealing with the oil engine is "Diesel Operation and Fault Diagnosis " (Odhams Press, Ltd.,...
Wakefield oil has been increased in price from us. 2d. to us. 10d. a gallon. The 1958 Royal Show will be held on the airport...
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at a meen i ng of the national wages board and the joint trade union committee for retail co-operative services, It was agreed...
A VAILABLE in I-gal.. drums at 12s. 6d., including packing and postage, a new fluid for preventing the misting of vehicle...
A NEW corrosion-resistant compound which could be used to protect steelwork in those parts of garages where harmful gases...
A RANGE of equipment for .repair ing tubeless tyres has been introduced by Stenor, Ltd., Richmond, Surrey. A new heating unit,...
rOMPETITION in the motor industry It- , was likely to increase and costs must be kept down to check inflation, said Sir William...
A N increase of 71 per cent, in the rate r - L of Crossgates Motor Co. in respect of the conveyance of schoolchildren is to be...
A N electrical device for heating the steering wheel of a commercial vehicle has been patented by a reader of The Commercial...
A LTHOUGH, under disposal, the number of British Road Services 'vehicles had decreased, the demand for the State undertaking's...
F ORTY-FIVE tours, ranging in duration from four to 14 days, are to be offered in Britain and on the Continent next year by...
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Guy vehicles over 25 years old are advised to apply at once to the manufacturers for any spare parts they may require. After...
week, the executive committee of the Road Haulage Association did not pledgia support for the Lorry Driver of the Year...
T HE name of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., has been changed to the Mobil Oil Co., Ltd. One reason is that the vacuum distillation...
Commission for Europe's Inland Transport Committee held their fifth session in Geneva recently. Representatives from 10...
promotion of the corporation Bill to extend free travel on the city's buses would not be proceeded with in the present...
cOMPR1S1NG two discs 3-in, in diameter and a 1-in.-wide strip 1 ft. long, kits of Scotch-Lite red reflecting material are...
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Mr. Brunner's Contribution to Important Planning Conference : Basic Approach to Transport Problem by Speakers E VERY mile of...
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1 RADITIO1N CARRIES 01\ S EVERAL haulage businesses still flourishing go back to packhorse days, but I know only one which...
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D URING the recent meeting called in Coventry to explore the possibility of settingup a.' new organization to run the Lorry...
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Body Weight by 25 ° /0 New Welding Method Exploited in Construction of Light-alloy Tipping Bodies of 5-7-ca.-yd. Capacity A...
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F URTHER restrictions on the movement of abnormal indivisible loads by road, as proposed by the Minister of Transport, would...
THE Minister of Transport's proposed new restrictions on the movement of abnormal loads, published in The Commercial Motor last...
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O PPOSING an application, last Friday, by Messrs. 0.. and A. Chorley, Ashton-under-Lyne, for permission to run express services...
lkAORE . t . sus routes and liehtrailway al services may be provided in country areas if the Rural Transport Improvement Bill,...
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C HIEF promoters of two-way radio in this country, the.Pye organization operate their fleets of . delivery and service vehicles...
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TO-OPERATION with users has led to the incorporation of practical features in dairy-vehicle bodywork by Messrs. R. W. Osborne...
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A S my company's vehicles make many calls at London " docks and are subject to frustrating delays, I would like to put forward...
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I F the discussion before the Transport Tribunal on the railways' freight charges scheme continues sidehy-side with the ....
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N OT '54. vehicles and two trailers have been bought by Mr. E. Crabtree, Dearstones Lane, Quensbury, near Bradford, and...
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warringions Transport (1955), Ltd. Cap. £15,000. Dirs.: A. Vs'arrington, 46 Runclle Road, Sheffield, 7, and W. Warrington, 15...
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E figures given in ' 'The Commercial Motor 'Tables of Operating Costs " are averages based on statistics collected and...
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THE passenger transport industry was faced with a changing social scene, a more acute peak-load problem coupled with declining...
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DATENT No. 737,490 (G. Ospelt, Herrengasse 70, Vaduz, Liechtenstein), deals with the construction of two-stroke oil engines....