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Higher Pay For Co-op. Workers P Ay Increases Have Been...
at a meen i ng of the national wages board and the joint trade union committee for retail co-operative services, It was agreed that adult male workers in the Metropolitan area......
New Anti-mist Fluid
A VAILABLE in I-gal.. drums at 12s. 6d., including packing and postage, a new fluid for preventing the misting of vehicle windows has been produced by Messrs. A. Power and Son,......
New Anti-corrosion Compound
A NEW corrosion-resistant compound which could be used to protect steelwork in those parts of garages where harmful gases escape from various solvents has been produced by V.G.......
Repairing Tubeless Tyres
A RANGE of equipment for .repair ing tubeless tyres has been introduced by Stenor, Ltd., Richmond, Surrey. A new heating unit, for use with Stenor vulcanizers, effects a close......
Sir W. Rootes Expects Keener Competition
rOMPETITION in the motor industry It- , was likely to increase and costs must be kept down to check inflation, said Sir William Ratites, chairman of the Rootcs Group, at the......
74% More For Children
A N increase of 71 per cent, in the rate r - L of Crossgates Motor Co. in respect of the conveyance of schoolchildren is to be offered, Radnorshire . Education Committee have......
No More Cold Hands
A N electrical device for heating the steering wheel of a commercial vehicle has been patented by a reader of The Commercial Motor, Mr. L. Fulham, Fairfield, Red Lane,......
.b.r.s. Lose Lorries But Not Customers
A LTHOUGH, under disposal, the number of British Road Services 'vehicles had decreased, the demand for the State undertaking's services had not reduced in proportion, with the......
Smiths Offer 45 Tours
F ORTY-FIVE tours, ranging in duration from four to 14 days, are to be offered in Britain and on the Continent next year by James Smith and Co. (Wigan), Lid. They are:— Bribitu......