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Names And Addresses Of "lost" Customers Must Be Given
S IX of the eight applications for authorization to vary his express service licences, made by Mr. E. G. Hewitt (Premier Omnibus 'Co.), Watford, have been refused by the......
• Israeli Engine Plant
A A FACTORY to make oil engines is to be built in Israel by Sold l Boneh, Ltd., a co-operative enterprise, together with private capital. It is estimated that Israeli road......
"b.t.c.. Will Have Quasi-monopoly
IF the charges scheme of the Transport Tribunal were given effect, the British Transport Commission would possess a quasi-monopoly of trunk services. British Road Services and......
. Haulier,. 15 Years, Old
CAN a 15-year-old boy be a haulier? . Sheffield magistrates asked this . question _last week. • The youth .was described as a haulier and the.. owner of a lorry which was......
Oilers: Councils 10 Protest?
A STRONG protest to. the. London rA Transport Executive against the future introduction of oil-,engined buses to replace trolleybuses may be made by London borough councils,......
"bad Weather" Service
T HE. West Midland . Licensing Authority last week granted authority to Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., to run an express service front Speke airport, Liverpool, to Eltridon......
New Model Tariff?
THE Working Party on Tariffs of the 1 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe have asked the E.C.E. Secretariat and a group of expert; to prepare for discussion next year......