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False Pretences To Obtain Fuel Alleged
p ENRITH magistrates last week heard a case against a driver charged sVith obtaining by false pretences 7611 gallons of petrol and 60 pints of oil, to the value of £159 5s. 6d.,......
More Paris Coach-air Services
rtiVER Christmas the frequency of the new coach-air service from this country to Paris is to be quadrupled. This is to meet the heavy public demand. There will be coach......
Cardiff Workers Club
rA A NEW club and institute for employees of Cardiff Transport Department was opened last week. The premises, which cost £18,000 to purchase. have been equipped with a......
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. FRANCIS HERON ROGERS and MR. JOSEPH TAMEN. Mr. Rogers was a director of StreamLine Filters, Ltd. He was a past president of the......
Causes Of Commercial Vehicle Accidents
THE most frequent cause of accidents involving public-service vehicles in 1454 was sudden stopping. In the case of light goods vehicles, it was careless turning right, and in......
Pensions For Conductresses? A Contributory Scheme To...
for the 2.000 women employees of Birmingham Transport Department has been submitted to the corporation by the local branch of the Transport and General Workers' Union. Mr. Harry......
Closer Liaison To Control Costs
C LOSER liaison between traffic managers, production managers and hauliers would help to control rising transport costs, said Mr. P. G. Norton, director of Macclesfield......
Smart Installation Of Tecalemit Plant
rt A NEW method of installing lubricating and associated plant in garages to achieve a smart appearance has been evolved by Tecalernit, Ltd., Plymouth. Containers, hose reels......
Tour Licence Granted
D ESPITE opposition from Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd.., and British Railways, Primrose Motors. Ltd., Scunthorpe, were last week given permission by the East Midland Licensing......