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I T is possible that, as a result of the Transport Tribunal's written judgment on the appeal by J. Stamper and Co. (Haulage),...
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F OR some time members of the North Western (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage Association have been considering the...
Perkins Take to the Water TT is interesting to note that F. Perkins, Ltd., who are I well established in the field of...
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INACCURATE information on a licence I renewal application form can store up trouble for hauliers. The East Midland Licensing...
A SCHEDULE of recommended fair in. tonnage rates between 77 key places was presented on Wednesday to the longdistance hauliers'...
R EGULATIONS.made by the Minister of Transport, authorizing coach and bus operators to increase from 3d. to Is. the basic...
Q RIGINALLY founded in 1835: the removal business of Ortpesher and Timsona, Ltd., Stockport, has been taken over by B.R.S....
R EVENUE from duties on hydrocarbon oils in the year ended March 31, 1958, dropped by £16m. from the previous year's figure to...
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THE expiration of special A licences has resulted in applications for I transfers to public A licence in the West Midland,...
S TAT1NG that a Manchester haulage company's evidence was unsatisfactory, the North Western Licensing Authority, Mr. F....
I N a New Year message to hauliers, Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Trans. port, wishes them success in their campaign to...
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MR. J, C. KEY has resigned from the board of G. Beaton and Son, Ltd. MR REGINALD MAIN has become assistant secretary of the...
A LTHOUGH it follows the practical ris and informative lines of previous editions, " The Passenger Transport Year Book" for...
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THERE was "standing room 'only I for some of the 70 witnesses Waiting to . give evidence at Manchester, on -Tuesday, when the...
of the Alfresco Garage, Ltd., Bedford main dealers, Frizinghall, Bradford, are to be extended and modernized in the company's...
N EW chief engineer of the Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd., is Mr. Geoffrey L. Lawrence. He joined them in 1949 after some years...
T HE new commercial-vehicle ferry to be operated by • Townsend - Bros. (Ferries), Ltd., between Dover and Calais, is to make...
I T is unlikely. that there will be-another one-day strike by Leicester bus crews tomorrow. The National Joint Industrial...
IT is exPected that -• Mr. • Harold Watk Minister. of -Transport, will attend the annual. dinner of the Metropolitan and . -...
were fined a total of £20 at . Sheffield, last week, on eight . summonses concerning the overloading of a vehicle.. They . were...
available in Britain through R.C.A. Great Britain, Ltd., Lincoln Way, Windmill Road, Sunbury-on-Thames.
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M R. W. P. JAMES, West Midland Licensing Authority, at Birmingham on Tuesday, told British Road Services that they must keep...
THE managing director of a haulage company was fined £9 and ordered to pay £3 12s. 6d. costs, last week, when he admitted...
nondriven twin rear wheels has been developed by the Differential Wheel Division, Anderson-Bolling Mfg. Co., Grant Haven,...
T HE All trunk road between London and Newmarket was closed at Bishop's Stortford this week due to work on a railway bridge...
S EVER AL single-deck bus bodies on the Thornycroft Trident longwheelbase export chassis have been supplied by a local...
A LTHOUGH the Society of Motor r - t• Manufacturers and Traders have not yet officially approved it, there is no doubt that the...
T HE ever-widening radius of his regular customers' traffic had involved a change of normal user over a period and obliged Mr....
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B EFORE bus companies increase ordinary fares, concessions should be . abolished. This view was expressed last week by Mr. S....
tions have been announced by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. Mr. J. N. Tweedie has joined them from the...
A N articulated bulk grain carrier on A licence was granted last week to Mr. P. R. Woodhouse, Crudwell, Wilts, by the Western...
T " E high standard of apprentices' work was praised by Sir Henry Spurner, chairman and managing director of Leyland Motors,...
WHEN an agricultural concern sold a VV retail coal business they agreed to support the buyer in obtaining a B licence to carry...
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T HE fact that buses are running empty cannot be a ground for allowing them to pick up passengers, the Northern Traffic...
passengers on Belgrade's buses, trams and trolleybuses travel without paying their fares, according to figures released in...
A FTER successfully completing a 17,000-mile coach trip from the Midlands to Delhi and back, Mr. K. Chamberlain, West End...
T HE replacement of trolleybuses by oilers is to begin in London on March 1, when the change will be made on three south and...
A LTHOUGH highway construction in .this country is making good progress, it is being outstripped by the growth of road...
T HE Co-operative Society of Arnessysla, Iceland, who have been operating Albion& for many years, are adding four 7-ton...
exported, VauxvV hall Motors, Ltd., bettered their 1957 record by nearly a quarter in 1958. Nearly 60 per cent. of the total...
fl C o llection application by the Leeds Car Collection Service, Ltd., for a new A licence, was granted by the Yorkshire...
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" W E must forget the popular idea that work study is useful only on large-scale repetitive work. On the contrary, we must...
T HE discourtesy of applicants who withdraw cases at the last minute was referred to again at Nottingham, on Monday. Told that...
local farmers was produced by Mr. J. W. Whiting, a coal merchant, Barfield Road, West NIcrsea. Essex, when be applied last week...
A PUMP ESCAPE fire appliance, capable of delivering up to 1,000 g.p.m., it t6 be -supplied by David Haydon, Ltd., to Glas g ow...
CEARS that the introduction of independent television in Co: Durham would make the rural bus position worse were expressed by...
A FURTHER 36 Leyland Comet PA passenger chassis are to supplement the existing fleet of 100 similar vehicles operated by the...
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E VIDENCE given by Mr. John Stamper, managing director of J. Stamper and Co. (Haulage), Ltd., was severely criticized by the...
T ° promote the sales and service of Cummins oil engines in international markets, a new company, Cummins Diesel International,...
A A NEW works production record of 417,000 units in 1958 beat the previous best figure (1955) of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., by...
T HE first Leyland chassis to be designed and built with a view to quantity production in South Africa is the Voortrekker bus...
" O UR aim must be to earn our keep this year, and with determination we can do it," was the theme of a New Year message from...
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BY G. DUNCAN JEWELL W HAT should a haulier do if he finds that a vehicle on special A licence is heavier than the originally...
F IVE coaches operated by Mr. Len Carlin g . Trinity Lane, Ripon, were destroyed when fire swept the g ara g e last week. Mr....
ECAUSE paper mills do not want to carry lar g e stocks of wood for pulping, the q uestion of timin g deliveries has become an...
of the British Road Federation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, has g iven an assurance that he is not opposed to...
F ACED with a deficit of 123,000 on the current year's workin g , Nottin g ham Corporation will seek another fares increase...
North Somerset, and parts of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, has been transferred from Mulletts Motors, Ltd., Redcliffe Hill,...
6 L) vehicles, with ICRN6/S superchar g ed oil en g ines of 200 b.h.p., have been supplied to the Commonwealth Department of...
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■ Tews Hot By Anthony Ellis R ESPLENDENT in bright yellow paint and colourful signwriting, the Fleet Special van which •...
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TWO local-motor dealers gave support' ing evidence at Carlisle, last week, when Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. L OADING height is extremely important to many goods-vehicle operators. In some cases...
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A REVISED front-end appearance and Z -1 detail modifications to the cab and rear end are announced for the Bedford C-type...
1-1 A NEW tractor unit, designated the 5000, which has been introduced by the White Motor Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., is...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. I N 90 factories scattered all over the country, - \Remploy, Ltd., provide productive work for more...
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O NE of the exhibits at this year's Arristerdam Commercial Motor Show (February 6-14) will be a Guy Victory underfloor-engined...
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(1) If the Nature of a Haulage Business Changes Substantially, Tell the Licensing Authority: (2) Meet Force with Force. (3)...
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M UCH as the majority of people dislikes the idea of nationalization, they do not seriously question the right of a political...
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I WRITE to congratulate the technical editor, John Moon, on his most interesting article on the trunk road vehicle of the...
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F OLLOWING a suggestion by The Commercial Motor, the I national organizing committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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T HE number of vehicles carried by the Continental Ferry Service between Tilbufy and Antwerp during 1958 was 3,535,...
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D URING the past 20 years the number of goods vehicles in use in Great Britain has grown from around 500,000 to 1,250,000, an...
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A N air suspension design allowing alteration of frame height at will is described in patent No. 804.410. The adjustment is...