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Blackpool Service To Be Tested
T HE fact that buses are running empty cannot be a ground for allowing them to pick up passengers, the Northern Traffic Commissioners ruled at Newcastle last week. They were......
Non-paying Passengers Naore Than Four Per Cent. Of The Ivi
passengers on Belgrade's buses, trams and trolleybuses travel without paying their fares, according to figures released in Belgrade. Net loss for the undertaking is £.179,000 a......
Second Coach Trip To Delhi Planned
A FTER successfully completing a 17,000-mile coach trip from the Midlands to Delhi and back, Mr. K. Chamberlain, West End Garage, Leamington Spa, is planning a similar venture......
Trolleybus Withdrawal Date Set By L.t.e.
T HE replacement of trolleybuses by oilers is to begin in London on March 1, when the change will be made on three south and south-east routes. On April 26, three north-east......
"roads• Programme Inadequate "—m.p.
A LTHOUGH highway construction in .this country is making good progress, it is being outstripped by the growth of road transport. The road-building programme is far from......
Albion 7-tonners Going To Iceland
T HE Co-operative Society of Arnessysla, Iceland, who have been operating Albion& for many years, are adding four 7-ton Chieftains to their fleet. The trucks will have locally......
Record Year For Vauxhall In Export Markets With 103,411...
exported, VauxvV hall Motors, Ltd., bettered their 1957 record by nearly a quarter in 1958. Nearly 60 per cent. of the total production of Vauxhall cars and Bedford trucks found......
A Licence For Car Transporter
fl C o llection application by the Leeds Car Collection Service, Ltd., for a new A licence, was granted by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Major F. S. Eastwood, at Leeds,......