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Overweight Lorries On Special A Licences: No Need For Alarm
BY G. DUNCAN JEWELL W HAT should a haulier do if he finds that a vehicle on special A licence is heavier than the originally declared weight? Is it likely that an application to......
Coaches Destroyed
F IVE coaches operated by Mr. Len Carlin g . Trinity Lane, Ripon, were destroyed when fire swept the g ara g e last week. Mr. Carlin g said the blaze had put him out of business......
A–licence Grant 'for Wood–pulp Traffic
ECAUSE paper mills do not want to carry lar g e stocks of wood for pulping, the q uestion of timin g deliveries has become an important one, Mr. S. W, Nelson, Western Licensin g......
Bigger Road Upkeep Grants? I N A Letter To Lord Derwent,...
of the British Road Federation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport, has g iven an assurance that he is not opposed to increasin g g rants for road maintenance. Only......
Nottingham Expects £23,000 Bus Loss
F ACED with a deficit of 123,000 on the current year's workin g , Nottin g ham Corporation will seek another fares increase next June—unless operators g et some relief in the......
Dodge In West Country The Dodge Distributorship For...
North Somerset, and parts of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, has been transferred from Mulletts Motors, Ltd., Redcliffe Hill, Bristol, to Coventry and Jeffs, Ltd., Bedminster,......
Big Bens For Woomera Qeveral Thornycroft Bi G Ben 6 X
6 L) vehicles, with ICRN6/S superchar g ed oil en g ines of 200 b.h.p., have been supplied to the Commonwealth Department of Works for use at the Woomera rocket ran g e in......