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Work. Study Can Be Widely Applied
" W E must forget the popular idea that work study is useful only on large-scale repetitive work. On the contrary, we must realize that work study can be applied to practically......
Hauliers' Discourtesy Again Criticized
T HE discourtesy of applicants who withdraw cases at the last minute was referred to again at Nottingham, on Monday. Told that an application by C. Brown and Sons (Ilkeston),......
No New B Licence For Coal Merchant A Petition Signed By
local farmers was produced by Mr. J. W. Whiting, a coal merchant, Barfield Road, West NIcrsea. Essex, when be applied last week for a B licence to cover one lorry for work......
1,000 G.p.m, Fire Pump
A PUMP ESCAPE fire appliance, capable of delivering up to 1,000 g.p.m., it t6 be -supplied by David Haydon, Ltd., to Glas g ow Fire Bri g ade. It is a Leyland Firennaster,......
"more Tv May Mean Less Bus Traffic"
CEARS that the introduction of independent television in Co: Durham would make the rural bus position worse were expressed by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., at......
36 More Comets For. Ceylon
A FURTHER 36 Leyland Comet PA passenger chassis are to supplement the existing fleet of 100 similar vehicles operated by the Ceylon Transport Board. The contract is worth......