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By finally acceding to the European Court's ruling on tachographs Transport Secretary William Rodgers has restored some dignity...
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MATIONS to make tachographs compulsory in Britain promised a stormy reception this week after Transport ter William Rodgers...
A NEW credit control system Is to be launched for Road Haulage Association members today (Friday) as the latest in a new series...
1HERN BRS is one of the 330 companies who are supporhe first attempt to circumnavigate the world by way of polar regions....
T road and sea services to ports in North Africa and Middle East have been ched by Cave Wood nsport) and Ignatio ma and Co of...
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IT NOW seems certain that fuel prices will remain unstable for at least the next six months. Large increases are in the...
MERSEYSIDE County I cii Is investigating the n4 extend the M57 Moto southwards from its jut with the M62 at Tarbo join the A562...
WEIGHT restrictions on a Cardiff shopping area have been slammed as a safety hazard by the Freight Transport Association in a...
QUINTON Hazell Autom began a new weekly del service to the Continent week using its own vehic' The company has decid use its...
COMMERCIAL vehicle production in January was sevel cent above the average for 1978, according to the Departm( Industry's latest...
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EW draft consultative document setting out more regulai for the users of vehicles carrying hazardous loads as well' e builders...
PREVENTIVE action to reduce suffering from occupational disease and accidents is of paramount importance according to Health...
TRADING profit of the National Freight Corporation's ial Traffics Group is expected to be £5.4m for 1978, wed with £.3.6m for...
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'oday, Daimler-Benz are one of the largest Imercial vehicle manufacturers in the Id. In 1977, 248,100 vehicles were built. ur...
This photograph was taken from a satellite me 1978.1t shows where yourtrucksoperate, :urope, where more Mercedes trucks ply...
orth is a small town in the Rhinevalley Karlsruhe. There you will find the most em truck assembly plant in Europe, where every...
For a long time to come, diesel engines will be the most common power-units for trucks. Mercedes-Benz are, therefore, working...
A new meaning to the expression "coals to Newcastle" i§ being explored by a Lancashire manufacturer of pizza ingredients. They...
I. The "Mercedes-Express" a brochure giving specialised information for everyone interested in long-distance transport. 2. The...
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Road Haulage Association has urged the Government to cut ax on dery in a pre-Budget package of recommendations. nce the 1977...
THE ROAD Haulage Association has expressed concern about the news from oil companies that there will be a 1520 per cent...
N. LUNT & Son, hauliers, South Street, Thatto Heath, has lost an appeal against the decision of St Helens Council to refuse...
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IF A haulier had been professionally represented at an inquiry of the North West deputy Licensing Authority last October, he...
Dover growth THE GROWTH trend freight traffic through Dc port continued in January, spite the lorry drives' disp Monthly...
BRITISH Road Services have entered the trailer rental business with the launching of its BRS Trailer Rental service in London...
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Telecoms contract THE POST Office has placed an order with Dormobile for 97 general-purpose telecommunications vans. The...
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Ted Hains has been appointed director of road services, and has responsibility for P&O Road Services' general haulage and...
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' ANOTHER four-wheel? cross country vehicle has launched onto the British ket to join the growing hers of foreign and homeLuced...
A HEAVY-DUTY off-road 6x4 tipper chassis has been added to the Renault Truck and Bus UK product range, and will make its debut...
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MACK has introduced a new version of its Intestater 4x2 tractive unit with a shortened wheelbase as part of its programme to...
THE VISE of ISO tank tainers has cut loading tin two-thirds where they been introduced to carry powder for BP Chemicals...
RANK Industrial Controls • have introduced an "instant weighbridge" system for road vehicles. It comprises individual...
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ATTEMPT by Cosmos to !.r the British coach tour ket met with stiff opposiat a hearing of the Metrotan area Traffic Commisers...
LONDON Transport says that 1978 has been a disappointing year for buses. Difficulty in recruiting bus staff, increasing...
ASSOCIATION of District Councils has slammed what it "muddled thinking" by the Government over concessiofares policy. Blatant...
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TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers has been asked to intervene in West Yorkshire PTE's plans to dispose of its loss-making...
WEST Yorkshire PTE has followed other undertakings in banning smoking at the front of its single-deck buses. This rule also...
go, but stays trio AFTER over 30 years of r lar service, London Trani is to withdraw its remai RT-type AEC Regent 14 III...
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:omparative trials results E ENGINEERING Editor's allenge to the Vehicle indards and Engineering vision of the Department of...
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Noel Millier visits S&V Coacnes of nuncersley, Essex,. and finds there's room for high flyers BACK IN 1970 Brian Smith and...
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...except the usual hard work. Bill Brock meets an operator who has managed to break into the tight field of car transporter...
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John Durant takes a look at an aiternafive transport service , VES is the neat name of a 3rt operator in Willesden, don; it is...
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• Moving catering supplies in the City. • Taking office equipment to Paris for a finance company. • Collecting calculators...
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In the article "Smokescreens", (CM, February 16) The Hawk attempts to ridicule lorry driver pickets by calling them "Heroic...
I refer to your item (CM February 23) concerning the cancellation of the Agristock Conference. I provided information over the...
Being a small bus and coa operator in urban areas, I a against abolishing road fund t by "pay as you go". My reason is so many...
For several years I have co lected transport magazines fror many countries and I would lik very much to extend my collec tion...
May I though the medium of your columns ask your readers if any of them have heard of TEC? Apart from knowing that it stands...
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would be naive to attribute 3tional Carriers first trading ofit in 1977 wholly to Brian ayward's appointment as anaging...
One needs to be a Yorkshireman who has suffered baptism by emu to have the courage to tell a cricketing story to the French....
Will educational leaflets replace tyre makers' calendars as status symbols among transport operators? The thought may not be so...
/ne who will not rejoice at his news is H. Wilkinson, of he Preston branch of the "ransport Salaried Staff 1ssociation. In a...
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Mary Frayne reports from 'the road's end' at Grimsby, where fart firms are adapting to the demands of haulage in the EEC era...
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in the right dfureetioz TYRES are expensive_ This might seem very obvious but many operators just don't seem to be aware of...
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IN THE PREVIOUS articles in this series, the way in which the fuel injection pump provides the exact quantity of fuel at the...
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CHEDULE 8 of the Motor 'ehicle (Construction and Use) legulations 1978 lays down le conditions which have to be omplied with if...
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I aims to improve the standards of its members ANY transport-oriented institute with a sizeable and growing membership must be...
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Mutation, written by Alberto Moravia and Oddone Camerana, pictures by Roberto Faidutti, is published by Iveco. THIS BOOK...
MORE THAN 150 pictures accompany the text in this booklet tracing the history of Bedford goods vehicles and published by...