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Nauffisg Itemist
In the article "Smokescreens", (CM, February 16) The Hawk attempts to ridicule lorry driver pickets by calling them "Heroic lorry driver pickets". He then poses three questions......
Tke Bacto
I refer to your item (CM February 23) concerning the cancellation of the Agristock Conference. I provided information over the telephone which has become slightly distorted.......
Fuet Tax Eieseitig
Being a small bus and coa operator in urban areas, I a against abolishing road fund t by "pay as you go". My reason is so many sm. cars don't go. Parked cars are nightmare on......
Daidak Ceeteekt
For several years I have co lected transport magazines fror many countries and I would lik very much to extend my collec tion of Commercial Motor bac to about 1930, so if any......
Mitt 'et Lima Tt Tec?
May I though the medium of your columns ask your readers if any of them have heard of TEC? Apart from knowing that it stands for Technicians Education Council, can I further ask......