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Turn Of The Tide
would be naive to attribute 3tional Carriers first trading ofit in 1977 wholly to Brian ayward's appointment as anaging director on May 1, D76. The writing on the wall as......
Parkinson's Lore
One needs to be a Yorkshireman who has suffered baptism by emu to have the courage to tell a cricketing story to the French. The man who fits this specification is Michael......
Thirst For Knowledge
Will educational leaflets replace tyre makers' calendars as status symbols among transport operators? The thought may not be so outrageous, because operators have been queuing......
/ne who will not rejoice at his news is H. Wilkinson, of he Preston branch of the "ransport Salaried Staff 1ssociation. In a letter to the kssociation's journal, he rounces the......