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Dery Cost Going Up
IT NOW seems certain that fuel prices will remain unstable for at least the next six months. Large increases are in the pipeline following the domestic crisis in Iran, which......
M-way Extensio Inquiry
MERSEYSIDE County I cii Is investigating the n4 extend the M57 Moto southwards from its jut with the M62 at Tarbo join the A562 eas Halewood, the Surface '1 port Committee at......
No Go Area Hit By Fta
WEIGHT restrictions on a Cardiff shopping area have been slammed as a safety hazard by the Freight Transport Association in a letter to the South Glamorgan County Council. The......
Qii On The Movl
QUINTON Hazell Autom began a new weekly del service to the Continent week using its own vehic' The company has decid use its own transpor Europe for the first time making......
Cv Production Up
COMMERCIAL vehicle production in January was sevel cent above the average for 1978, according to the Departm( Industry's latest figures. The number of units produced in January......