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Forming A Long-distance Haulage Association.
A g eneral meetin g of those engaged or concerned in the long-distance haula g e of goods by road, including vehicle owners, large and small, and freight ex chan g es and......
A M. Of T. Licence Return.
The Ministry of Transport has recently issued a return g ivin g particulars of the number of mechanically propelled road vehicles for which licences were current at any time......
Repeat Orders For Gilfords.
Amon g st important concernswhich have recently placed repeat orders with the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., are the followin g , the figures in parentheses being the number of......
New Date For Operation Of Section 19.
The secretary to the Ministry of Transport recently announced that it has been represented strongly to the Minister, by organized bodies of employers and workpeople in the......
Our Forecast Of The Buenos Aires Exhibition
TN our issue for next week we I shall publish a full report, written in advance, of the commercial-motor exhibits that will be seen at the British Empire Trade Exhibition,which......
The Proposed National Council Of Operators.
• The second preliminary conference of dele g ates from independent bus proprietors' associations is to take place to-day, and it is anticipated that a National Advisory Council......
Financing Goods-transport Concerns.
Amon g st our pa g es of advertisements will be found an int e resting announcement by the Whittington Trust, Ltd., this being to the effect that it is prepared to finance g......
Industrial Transport Association Dinner.
We were present, last week, at the fourth annual dinner of the Industrial Transport Association, which was attended by a representative gathering of men well known in transport......