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No Decision On Crosville Tours
M ORE than 20 customer witnesses supported an application by ..Crosvilla Motor Services Ltd. at Llandudno last week for an addition to two of their present licences. These would......
Graham's Appeal Dismissed
A N appeal by Graham's Bus Services Ltd. against the decision of the Scottish Traffic Commissioners granting to the Western S.M.T. Co. Ltd. a variation of conditions for a stage......
Associated Motorways Appeal Fails The Minister Of...
an appeal by Associated Motorways, Cheltenham, a g ainst the decision of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners granting to the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd. an additional......
Tribunal Undecided On Validity
T HE Transport I ribunal in London last week reserved its decision in an appeal a g ainst a g rant by the Western Licensin g Authority which raised a q uestion of the validity......
Decisions On Exc Ursions And Fares
I N written decisions the North Western Traffic Commissioners have granted, wholly or in part, applications to vary conditions attached to excursions and tours licences operated......
Appeals Listed In Scotland T He Transport Tribunal Is...
hear five appeals in Edinbur g h next week. Tuesday. July 14: Alexander Hayton v. British Railways and others; George Tait and Son Ltd. v. British Railways and another; both......