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David Brown To Produce Auto Transmission
T HE rights for the manufacture of the Ebert hydromechanical transmission have been acquired for the U.K. and a number of other countries by David Brown Industries Ltd. The......
Orders And Deliveries
B.M.C. VEHICLES FOR G.P.O.: The British Motor Corporation has secured orders for a total of 5,790 vehicles, mainly commercial, for delivery to the G.P.O. within the Government's......
New Offley Br Os. Repair Shop
LTOPING that his attendance would/ in my small way", as he put it— emphasize the importance the Ministry of Transport and the Licensing Authorities attached to vehicle......
Clutch Housing Ventilation
'THE clutch of any heavy vehicle I requires ventilation, and for this purpose manufacturers provide vents, which will be adequate if given the chance. In present-day traffic......
Yorkshire Reader Wins Prize
THIS week's prizewinner is Mr. F. I Wright, of Hull, Yorks, who submitted two ideas. The first concerns the accelerator cable on the Thames Trader. Mr. Wright, having had......