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Railmen Don't Want Co-operaiion
From Our Industrial Correspondent T HE railwaymen are in favour of allout competition for long-distance freight with private road hauliers; they have no time for Dr. Beeching's......
Govt. To Finance Road-to-rail Switch ?
M R. MARPLES told a surprised Commons on Wednesday that he wants a lot of freight to go from the roads to the railways—and the Government is prepared to find perhaps £80m. to......
New Tipper Group
A A GROUP of tipper operators controlling 300 vehicles is the potential arising from a meeting of Devon and Cornwall tipper operators at Plymouth on Tuesday. South Western......
Dangerous-load Signs
THE Government is considering whether it should introduce a scheme for the marking of vehicles containing dangerous goods. Announcing this in the Commons on Wednesday, Mr. Henry......
No Compulsion
NfiR. MARPLES this week refused to make it compulsory for a driver and an attendant to be on all vehicles carrying dangerous cargoes. When the suggestion was put to him in the......
Move On Concessions
THE Minister of Transport is getting in touch with the local authorities concerned to see if he can reach agreement with them about what amendments of the law are required to......